Here's what your Leatherman will look like disected:
Hi,A little care is a good thing in electrolytic cleaning. The process generates hydrogen gas which, mixed with air (oxygen) and an ignition source (open flame or lit cigarette), creates an exothermic reaction (aka an explosion) of very interesting proportion.Joe
I was thinking that he might want to do a little bit of research rather than just going by that diagram because rigging up any old battery charger found around the house sounds like a recipe for electrocution...
Yeah I know, sorry if it looked like I was accusing you of attempted murder or anything
P.S. J-Sews, do you remeber which implements those washers go between?
Electrolytic rust removal is another option.
......eventually the head Chef told me to go measure how close I was to getting fired if I kept it up.
Take a look at that last picture. Notice the two holes in the pivot of the pliers and the general damage to the circumference? What's up with that?
Anyway; thanks in advance and be sure to check your local pawn shops. I am still pretty hot on that original Gerber Multi-Plier!