I've been carrying my Wenger Cascade on my keychain. Very pocketable, handy tools and locking main blade. It suddenly struck me that it's actually very close to the Vic Farmer.
Vic Farmer: Main blade (non-locking), "angle iron" style awl, saw, cap lifter/large driver and can opener/small driver. (Basically a Soldier with a saw)
Wenger Cascade: LOCKING main blade, small clip point blade*, saw, cap lifter/large driver, can opener/small driver, square awl, corkscrew, tweezers and toothpick
The Farmer is slightly longer
but they are approximately the same thickness
Here's a picture of the tools of each out for comparison
For those who haven't seen it before, here's a poor picture of the lock button. Push it down and it unlocks the main blade
The Cascade is lighter than the Farmer But then there are the intangibles. In the hand, the Farmer has a more natural, comfortable feel. It doesn't seem like that should be so, but personally, that's how it feels.
I prefer the Cascade on my keychain because it is lighter and it has that wonderful locking blade.
Quality wise, they seem equivalent to this observer.