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Keychain tool idea.

um Offline Mr. Whippy

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Keychain tool idea.
on: September 19, 2009, 05:48:38 PM
I've been carrying keys and keychain tools the same way for years.  With one of the detachable rings, it seemed the most efficient.  Keyword: Seemed.

The problem here was, the knife and file on the Alox SAK were essentially useless because they open at a pivot near the keyring which makes them difficult to use (at best).

I looked at the various multi-detachable keyrings, but thought $28-$45 was a lot for that sort of function.

So, I went to the hardware store  :D

I came back with a carabiner and screwgate link.  Each rated for over 120lbs of weight.   That should be sufficient, I'd think.

The keys on the ring go directly on the carabiner and each of the keychain tools are threaded onto the screwgate link.  Then the link is clipped onto the carabiner.

This way, I can remove the keychain tools when the keys don't need to go (ie when I'm not going to the hospital) and I still have their functionality.

As for the problem with the Alox SAK:

The screwgate is easy to open to remove the Alox Classic:

and is ready to use unencumbered by the other tools:

Best part:

Total cost, $2.89 (with spare screwgate link included  ;))

gb Offline nuphoria

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Re: Keychain tool idea.
Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 05:54:39 PM
Great idea, and a bargain too  :tu:

I use a bow shackle on my keys for the same reason - something like this one:

Marine hardware also is made from 316 grade steel which might not rust on you too fast :)

For those in the UK, this is a good source:
« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 05:56:23 PM by nuphoria »
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Re: Keychain tool idea.
Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 10:23:27 PM
120 pounds should almost be enough for James and Ben's edc's :D
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Re: Keychain tool idea.
Reply #3 on: September 19, 2009, 10:57:27 PM
Very nice!  :tu:  Is it heavy?
Sometimes change is a good thing, other times not so much!

um Offline Mr. Whippy

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Re: Keychain tool idea.
Reply #4 on: September 20, 2009, 02:35:56 AM
It weighs about the same as the old keychain.  Big advantage is the ease of taking items off and on.

ca Offline Shane769

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Re: Keychain tool idea.
Reply #5 on: September 20, 2009, 03:03:51 AM
Nice idea man :cheers:
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Offline max6166

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Re: Keychain tool idea.
Reply #6 on: September 20, 2009, 06:01:06 AM
That's a nice simple solution!  :cheers:

I have been experimenting with a single split key ring and some McGizmo clips, which allow you to directly detach any item very easily. The disadvantage is that items can twist out of them unless you are careful. It is rare, but it can happen.

Now here is the thing I like most about McGizmos. You can use the same twisting motion that causes them to accidentally come loose to also detach any item in a split second.  :tu:

After some practice, I can now pluck my SAK or a flashlight from my keyring as if it wasn't even attached to anything. It's almost as easy as just picking the item up off a table.

You can match the keyring widths and diameter to the clips so that it becomes virtually impossible for an item to accidentally come loose. From what I can tell, you can still do the "detaching trick" too, but it requires greater skill. I have got it down to quite an art now.

To be fair, I have just been using some cheap McGizmo knock offs from a local store. I am hoping to get some real ones next and see how they fare.

Offline cgk

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Re: Keychain tool idea.
Reply #7 on: September 20, 2009, 07:20:54 AM
The two things I love, simplicity and cheap!!!  :tu:

us Offline parnass

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Re: Keychain tool idea.
Reply #8 on: December 25, 2009, 06:44:13 PM
Mr. Whippy, please beware of the screw gate link opening on its own.   I have one like that shown in your photo and used it to hold a metal license tag to my dog's collar.  When the screw part rubs against something, it twists and opens.  I lost the license tag this way and had to retrace our steps to find it.

From then on, I used a multitool pliers to tighten the screw gate forcefully.  Of course, this prevents opening the gate using fingers alone.
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A man with one multitool always knows exactly which to use. A man with many multitools is never quite sure. - parnass



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