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Project Wave: Outside, One Hand Opening SuperScissors.....(WARNING: Pic Heavy)

evil510 · 69 · 20430

us Offline evil510

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Hey gang. This is one of the mods I've done to my Wave that I have continually been asked about the most. Please be patient with me as my life keeps me quite busy, especially this time of year with all of the car shows and what not. The time I can dedicate to modding my tools is rather limited. A little insight about this mod. We all have our own taste when it comes to multitools... tools we could care less for on them and then there are those that we couldn't do without. Not having scissors is a deal breaker for me. If you've followed some of my posts, you'll see I've even installed some on my Crunch. The scissors that came with the Wave worked decent enough, but when I saw a Surge for the first time with its outside opening scissors I thought to myself how much I would like to do that to my Wave since I use scissors on a daily basis. I didn't want just outside opening scissors but one handed opening ones as well. I am ambidextrous so it worked out perfectly. So, I set out to fabricate the largest and strongest set of scissors that I could possibly fit into my Wave. As with many of my other mods, there were some clearance issues to deal with, but that was expected. As it stands, there are times that I actually feel underwhelmed with my Surge when next to my Wave with its bigger awl and scissors. Little brother Wave is beating big brother Surge in some departments... but not for long. Project Surge is already under way. Fabricating these was quite an undertaking and learning experience. It was a lot more involved than I initially anticipated. While I have done numerous scissor mods/transplants, this was my first attempt at fabricating scissors from scratch. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome.....
~ evil ~

Front side of spring.....

Backside of spring, key installed.....

Close-up of backside of scissors. Smaller diameter hole next to main pivot bolt hole is to lock the spring layer and to prevent it from shifting. Hole to the left replicates the hole that all of the other outside opening tools have where the nodule on the liner locks fit into. Below that, you will see a "V" cut notch. This allows them to fold up much more smoothly and with less initial resistance from the liner lock. I've done this to all of the outside opening tools on my Wave, Surge and Skeletool.....

Drilled and tapped, thumbstud installed to match the knives.....

Close-up view of peening job on rivet.....

Close-up of the Zytel handle tip. Final shaping was done while mounted for a seamless transition.....

Close-up of backside of scissors while closed. The handle tip fits perfectly in the recess.....

Full view of the backside of scissors when closed, uninstalled.....

Full view of front side of scissors when opened, uninstalled.....

Installed and in the closed position.....

Close-up of installed, closed position.....

Partially deployed. People do a double-take when they see these things popping out.....

Fully deployed.....

A closer view. Wicked sharp, of course....

Last but not least... the Surge comparison... (left=Surge/right=Wave)

Another Surge comparison... (left=Surge/right=Wave)

« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 01:40:58 PM by evil510 »
Evil's Urban Trekker (on hold)
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The Evil Incarnate (a work in progress)

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gb Offline nuphoria

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Superb sir, really excellent bit of work there  :salute:
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gb Offline Sparky415

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Amazing work and pictures! :o
Everything’s adjustable

dk Offline AHB

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us Offline thebullfrog

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Man you do some awe inspiring mod work. Why do you even bother buying multis? lol. Seems to me you would have no problem just making your own that are better than most of what's out there anyway.

um Offline Mr. Whippy

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Amazing work.  Leatherman should see this thread.

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us Offline Crouton

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Very well done.  I'm one of those that don't often need scissors, but I love this mod and even more I love that you saw a need and made a mod happen.

ca Offline Charger

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Amazing work.  Leatherman should see this thread.


This is incredible

us Offline donvito

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WOW, excellent work and craftsmanship :tu: :tu: :cheers:

au Offline MultiMat

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Evil mate again I am in awe  :o :o
Stunning buddy. If you & Bob/J-sews worked together you could make some unbelievable MT's.

Keep the mods coming mate  :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

"Downunder Mod (that sounds dirty, doesn't it?)"
Yeh Baby :P >:D >:D

gb Offline Zed

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Amazing work as usualy evil  :tu:

scotland Offline Gareth

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What they all said mate, you're some craftsman. :salute:
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us Offline evil510

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Hey gang. Thank you all very much for the praise. It is very much appreciated. I still have other mods that I still haven't gotten around to taking photos of yet. Hopefully I will get the chance to do that soon.....

~ evil ~

Man you do some awe inspiring mod work. Why do you even bother buying multis? lol. Seems to me you would have no problem just making your own that are better than most of what's out there anyway.
Thank you Bullfrog. You know, more and more I have been asking myself that question and fabricating one from the ground up isn't too far out of the realm of possibility. I mean, not once have I been satisfied with any one multitool right out of the box and always end up modding them anyway. Minus the plier head, I could fabricate just about everything else. While modding multitools is new to me, I have been fabricating all my life. Who knows maybe sometime later this year I will attempt to build one.....

Amazing work.  Leatherman should see this thread.
Thank you Mr. Whippy. I am curious. Watching these threads in the forum, is that even something they are known to do? If they don't, personally, I think they should. The input and opinions here would serve them well in terms of product development, I feel.....

Very well done.  I'm one of those that don't often need scissors, but I love this mod and even more I love that you saw a need and made a mod happen.
Thanks Crouton. I have a lifelong history on modifying just about anything and everything to suit my needs. Me and my perfectionist nature may have something to do with that.....

Evil mate again I am in awe  :o :o
Stunning buddy. If you & Bob/J-sews worked together you could make some unbelievable MT's.

Keep the mods coming mate  :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
Hey Mat, thanks buddy. Seeing as J-sews is considered a master modder and that I am new here, I will humbly accept that as very high praise. I respect and admire all of the work he has done.....
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 04:57:47 AM by evil510 »
Evil's Urban Trekker (on hold)
Shear Evil (on hold)
The Evil Incarnate (a work in progress)

Evil's Quad Strop Mini introduced.....
Evil's Pocket Octo-Driver introduced.....
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us Offline Pacu

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Once again very impressive work evil. :salute:

Are you a master machinist, engineer or work at Area 51's alien tech reverse engineering?
:like:    :MTO:

ca Offline jekostas

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As always, evil, truly inspired work.  Very, very nicely done.

So, uh, where's the order page  :D?

ca Offline Charger

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Anyone else wake up in  there bed in the middle of the night and realize that they have painted this tool all over their walls?

us Offline sawman

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Now that there's a proper set of external scissors, more room is available for a fixed awl (even though Evil has made a bit for that).

us Offline evil510

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Now that there's a proper set of external scissors, more room is available for a fixed awl (even though Evil has made a bit for that).
Thank you sawman. Yes, I've made an awl bit for the large bit adapter (intended for Project Skeletool)... and by more room for a fixed awl, I am guessing you mean something like this..... ;) (this too, by the way, makes a Surge awl look tiny)

~ evil ~

It was was interesting post. You can follow the development of that project and see more pictures if you click here
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 04:02:50 AM by evil510 »
Evil's Urban Trekker (on hold)
Shear Evil (on hold)
The Evil Incarnate (a work in progress)

Evil's Quad Strop Mini introduced.....
Evil's Pocket Octo-Driver introduced.....
Brute Driver HD - COMPLETE


gb Offline Neil

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and that about sums it up :D
I'm not taking any more mod orders at present, sorry.

us Offline thebullfrog

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What type of steel are you using for all these mods?

us Offline sawman

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Now that's an awl!

il Offline Threeme2189

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It's probably awl you'll ever need :P
Chuck Norris' preferred iron supplement is rebar.

us Offline evil510

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Once again very impressive work evil. :salute:

Are you a master machinist, engineer or work at Area 51's alien tech reverse engineering?
Thanks Pacu. Actually, none of the above, although I have been fabricating throughout my entire life. I have been doing airbrushed artwork since the mid 80's, while I painted just about anything and everything, I focused on hot rods, show cars and race cars. It was a natural transition into modifying cars. It started off mostly as basic show car related type mods, shaved door handles, suicide doors, etc. which in turn led to more custom one-off mods, such as handmade emblems/badges and custom billet work. I was also an avid drag racer which led into building motors, roll cages etc. I have a collection of martial arts weapons and have fabricated my own as well. I have occasionally tinkered with things such as making custom wicked/evil looking jewelry. The list goes on.....

What type of steel are you using for all these mods?
There are so many different grades of steel out there. I have found that for each grade of steel someone swears by, you will always find someone who disagrees. I have been tinkering with different grades to test them on my own to form my own opinion of them. That said, so far most all of the mods I have posted have been 440C, ATS-34, D2 toolsteel, and Chrome Vanadium. I just acquired a piece of BG-42 that I'll use for an upcoming project. I still haven't had a chance to work with some of the other popular grades of steel out there S30V, S60V, VG-10 etc... maybe someday soon. So far, I have been pleased with the performance and durability of all of the mods I have done thus far. It has been a trial by fire experience. I am fortunate enough that, if something fails, I can refabricate with a different grade of steel.....
Evil's Urban Trekker (on hold)
Shear Evil (on hold)
The Evil Incarnate (a work in progress)

Evil's Quad Strop Mini introduced.....
Evil's Pocket Octo-Driver introduced.....
Brute Driver HD - COMPLETE


hn Offline cliosguy

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Offline Multitaskertools

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crazy skills :ahhh

u have a PM incoming  :multi:

us Offline J-sews

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Great work Evil :salute: :salute: On the scissors, I like how you used the thumb stud as a fulcrum for the spring to push off of. Great idea! 8)
In order to be certain of having the right tool for every must first acquire a lot of tools

spam Offline Zack

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You sir have made the perfect wave.  I have often thought that the Wave should have outside opening scissors, like its bigger brother.  Truly perfection.

Offline josekym

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Unbelievable, crazy skills you have there!

 :salute:  :salute:  :salute:  :salute:  :salute:

us Offline sawman

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The projects he's posted... all works of genius.  :salute:



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