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A rant about "young people"

Offline Andreas

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A rant about "young people"
on: August 21, 2010, 09:06:00 AM
I say young people even though they're my own age, with me being only 23. I recently moved to a new city from the countryside to attend another college, and what they didn't tell me was that I was moving into the same building as the student pub, which is in the basement with the entrance being in the back yard of the apartment complex. That place makes a LOT of noise! I've never been to a pub/nightclub in my life and don't drink alcohol as I've frankly never seen the point and it continues to puzzle me how people will pay a ridiculous premium for a liquid that not only takes away their control over themselves at the worst possible time, but also gives them a headache the day after (and frequently lost possessions, as I've heard).

Anyways, it's driving me nuts. I have a serious hard time understanding how a supposedly grown up person can stand outside an apartment complex at 2am and scream loudly. Such a person has to be borderline retarded or at least have serious issues to even consider such an action, as it demonstrates complete lack of respect for others. By all means people are allowed to have their own "hobbies", but there's such a thing as not bothering others while doing so. I like making stuff out of wood, and this would basically be the same as me standing outside at 2am and firing up a cross-cut saw right there in the back yard. Have I done so, people would have thought me a mental person and called the cops, but somehow society thinks the same amount of noise is OK when it comes from a bunch of drunk people.

All they would have had to do was to close the outer door, turn down the music and not make bestial noises. If I can hear the music that clearly 100 meters away through a closed window, they sure as hell hear it more than clear enough inside the place even if they reduce the volume by half. The fact that they will definitely end up with hearing issues is an amusing thought, but I'd still rather have my peace at night. I'm here to study, not act like a Neanderthal.

With 1700 people on campus it's also a very small minority that uses the pub, and as always it's the people with the least intelligence that makes the most noise. The fact that the pub is run by the student organization and endorsed by the school is to me outright stupid as you'd think the school had more of an academic mind than that.

Anyways, rant over for now... I've emailed the police to ask what the law says in this instance, so that I know exactly what grounds I have for complaining the next time. Hopefully they'll give me something to work with, and I won't hesitate to ruing everyone's fun by calling in the cops. Call me a party pooper, but as I said, one person's hobby shouldn't diminish the life quality of another. Ever.

gb Offline ryan1835

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #1 on: August 21, 2010, 10:34:05 AM
thats pretty much uni life im afraid

I have a serious hard time understanding how a supposedly grown up person can stand outside an apartment complex at 2am and scream loudly.

because they are so drunk they dont know what there doing

i doubt complaining will do much, maybe if more people do it might be different


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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #2 on: August 21, 2010, 11:29:47 AM
one person's hobby shouldn't diminish the life quality of another.

Agreed but I'll make this easy for you.  Move.  Do it as soon as you can.  The aggravation of trying to deal with this situation will just not be worth it.  I know its a pain and you feel like you shouldn't have to but it will be easier in the long run.
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Offline Andreas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #3 on: August 21, 2010, 11:39:19 AM
It's a student apartment so moving isn't really an option. First of all because I'm under contract, which I could probably get out of. But it's also too well placed to be worth moving, especially since that will be so much more expensive. If I can't make them shut up, I'll sleep with headphones rather than moving, I'm afraid.  But with God as my witness I'm going to make life hell for them before doing that.

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #4 on: August 21, 2010, 11:43:16 AM
I think giving them a copy of your original post would be enough to get you out of the contract.  Its well put :tu:

If the accommodation is arranged by the university I'd insist they find you an alternative where you can actually sleep and study.
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Offline Andreas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #5 on: August 21, 2010, 12:15:18 PM
You'd think so, but I highly doubt it since there are dozens of students living here. To put it bluntly, drinking and acting like an uninvolved being is directly condoned by the school. You should have seen the program they made for the opening week (which is now). Drinking at bar A, drinking at bar B, drinking at bar C, and then a "from bar to bar" thing. It's ridiculous.

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #6 on: August 21, 2010, 01:17:00 PM
A flame-thrower  >:D

ca Offline Chako

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #7 on: August 21, 2010, 01:45:49 PM
That is because the school makes money off of any on-campus pub. All Universities and Colleges the world over are the same I reckon.

Well if the activities eventually drive you to drinking, I guess salvation, or is that libation, is only a few steps away.  :D

One of Ontario’s more prominent Universities had the bright idea, along with student council, to make this event for frosh week. It consisted of small tables placed outside every resident’s door in a high rise dormitory. On these tables were bottles of beer. The idea was to start at the top, and drink your way down. It was held for only one year, I was told, due to the damages to the building. I gather there was enough beer that it was literally flowing down the steps; a few participants also hurt themselves falling down stairs, or just plain falling down. I was even informed that one gentleman lost his balance and rammed his head into the wall in such a way that he got stuck there until a few of his drunken friends could sober enough to pull him back out.

So stupidity and higher education do seem to go hand in hand. Take solace that those are probably first year students, and statistics tend to show that the attrition rate is steep between first and second year students.
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Offline Andreas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #8 on: August 21, 2010, 04:44:52 PM
I guess this is just how society is like... These retards don't even need to be the majority because you only need one person to keep the whole apartment complex awake.

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #9 on: August 21, 2010, 05:09:15 PM
thats pretty much uni life im afraid

I have a serious hard time understanding how a supposedly grown up person can stand outside an apartment complex at 2am and scream loudly.

because they are so drunk they dont know what there doing

i doubt complaining will do much, maybe if more people do it might be different

I disagree....

I think its because they are so drunk, that even though they know what they're doing...they don't care. :(
“Do not go gentle, into that goodnight.  Rage....RAGE against the dying of the light!"

-Dylan Thomas

ca Offline jekostas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #10 on: August 21, 2010, 09:19:28 PM
Do you want a lawn you can yell at some of 'em durned kids to get off of?

Offline Andreas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #11 on: August 21, 2010, 09:30:40 PM
If it comes with a shotgun then yes, please

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #12 on: August 21, 2010, 09:31:42 PM
I'm not taking any more mod orders at present, sorry.

no Offline Medic82

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #13 on: August 21, 2010, 09:49:19 PM
I believe that young drunk people is the closest we are coming to discovering the missing link. I think that all the screaming is just a call for attention (mating call if you will call it that) and I got the feeling that the more crazy things you do in a night the more successful it have been. I have overheard so many conversations of 18-19 year old people bragging about how drunk they where and that they don’t remember portions of the night. Come on, how on earth is that cool? That’s just plain stupid.

I have been working security on the boats traveling from Oslo to Denmark and back (they are known for the party factor) and as a medic for one of the biggest festivals we have in Norway, Gatebil, and I am amazed every year of how stupid and reckless young people are when it comes to alcohol. They drink so much that they pass out on the most remarkable places wearing almost nothing, we pick up/get delivered extremely drunk people that are very hypothermic and barely able to get in touch with. It’s remarkable that no one have been found dead in the woods wearing almost nothing. And it’s not just the alcohol abuse that concerns me, but also the fact that 90% of the people aren’t prepared at all. People have asked if we have any food we could spare since they didn’t have enough and they don’t have any money left or they are all drunk so no one can drive and buy more food. What is the world coming to when people can’t buy enough food for themselves ???

Sorry for ranting in you rant Andreas but I know how you feel.
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us Offline stressmaster5000

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #14 on: August 21, 2010, 09:58:14 PM
Drunk = How many brain cells can you kill before you die! Its like playing chicken with a train I guess.

I drink alcohol for the taste not the buzz. My younger years were not as clear but I was not a party kind of guy ever and besides I do not have many extra brain cells to let go of so I decided to try and keep them healthy for as long as possible.

Now here comes Alzheimer's to take me away! Remember the old "Calgon, take me away!" commercials?  :rofl:

Offline Andreas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #15 on: August 21, 2010, 10:05:19 PM
AT least it's a good sign that people here agree with me, considering the people here are normally armed with knives. If someone came in and identified themselves as such a drunk person AND he was EDCing a knife, I'd run  :ahhh

us Offline stressmaster5000

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #16 on: August 21, 2010, 10:20:55 PM
Do you want a lawn you can yell at some of 'em durned kids to get off of?

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :ahhh :ahhh :ahhh

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #17 on: August 21, 2010, 10:30:22 PM
Where do you live now Andreas??
There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives.

Offline Andreas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #18 on: August 21, 2010, 10:35:56 PM
Hamar, the city of extremely bumpy  roads designed by people who seriously hate bicyclists

ph Offline duckman1975

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #19 on: August 22, 2010, 12:12:09 AM
Wow I feel for you must be hard. Lucky my former University have evolved to a dry University no drinking of alcoholic beverage inside the campus, and they also have a no smoking policy...... smokers are only allowed to smoke in designated smoking areas.
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Offline Andreas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #20 on: August 22, 2010, 12:41:03 AM
Wow I feel for you must be hard. Lucky my former University have evolved to a dry University no drinking of alcoholic beverage inside the campus, and they also have a no smoking policy...... smokers are only allowed to smoke in designated smoking areas.

At my old university college, the "designated smoking area" was the most empty place on campus. Where did the smoke? Next to the sign pointing to the designated smoking area...right outside the entrance, so you had to walk through the smoke to get it. No-one got in trouble for doing so because the teachers did the exact same thing. One just have to come to grips with the fact that a large portion of the human race is so ridiculously stupid and selfish that the only solution to the problem would be to shoot them all, which unfortunately isn't legal. It seems to me that some people simply lack the thought process that leads normal people to show consideration for others.

Offline sappyg

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #21 on: August 22, 2010, 02:06:45 AM
mmm... now that you've realized that people are odd and strange the best recourse is to MOVE....
my freshman year was on the 5th floor of a mens dorms and my room was directly across from the elevator. you can imagine the mahem i'm sure... regardless, i survived an moved on to even loftier heights of debauchery if only in a more suttle environment.

TBH... should you remain at your current residence then you have no right to complain and indeed take a certain perverted satisfaction from the experience. next semester will thin out the herd but even that will not solve the issue for you. the bar is not going anywhere and there are plenty of flunkies to replace the other flunkies when time comes.

don't take this the wrong way but this reminds me of a dorm mate that complained to me that his new room mate was gay. indeed he was yet my friend did not move in spite of his protests.
me thinks he doth protest too much  :think:

us Offline sawman

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #22 on: August 22, 2010, 02:35:33 AM
Yeah but where ever you move to you just can't get away from every scumbag.  :bnghd:  I like the flame-thrower idea, but with the cost of fuel  :shrug:  Your best bet is just to kick their @$$'s  :mn:  :duel:  :rant:

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #23 on: August 22, 2010, 07:58:36 AM
@snappyg: So what you're saying is that instead of fighting for your right for peace, the OP should just run away and move? >:(

The OP just said in another post that he can't move!!! So PLEASE stop making the stupid arguement that he should move!!

At OP: Fight on my friend!

ph Offline duckman1975

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #24 on: August 22, 2010, 08:03:23 AM
Wow I feel for you must be hard. Lucky my former University have evolved to a dry University no drinking of alcoholic beverage inside the campus, and they also have a no smoking policy...... smokers are only allowed to smoke in designated smoking areas.

At my old university college, the "designated smoking area" was the most empty place on campus. Where did the smoke? Next to the sign pointing to the designated smoking area...right outside the entrance, so you had to walk through the smoke to get it. No-one got in trouble for doing so because the teachers did the exact same thing. One just have to come to grips with the fact that a large portion of the human race is so ridiculously stupid and selfish that the only solution to the problem would be to shoot them all, which unfortunately isn't legal. It seems to me that some people simply lack the thought process that leads normal people to show consideration for others.

The designated smoking areas are located pretty far away from any buildings so no problem here. Very amazed by your campus sponsored in campus pub, here its prevented by law to build any drinking establishment within or near schools and campuses.
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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #25 on: August 22, 2010, 08:04:52 AM
Hamar, the city of extremely bumpy  roads designed by people who seriously hate bicyclists
Everyone hate's bicyclist's the world over it seems >:( :(
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ca Offline Charger

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #26 on: August 22, 2010, 08:16:17 AM
@snappyg: So what you're saying is that instead of fighting for your right for peace, the OP should just run away and move? >:(

The OP just said in another post that he can't move!!! So PLEASE stop making the stupid arguement that he should move!!

At OP: Fight on my friend!

Hey take it easy...

That sucks to hear.  It really is a "cant beat 'em so join 'em".  The kids will drink anyways, may as well have them do it on campus.  Such a load of garbage.  Here is my suggestion (borrowed from disturbia a tad):

1. Ipod with some really painful music
2. Loud speaker system
3. Loud
4. DON'T get yourself beaten to pieces over this.  It may very well reach the point where it isn't worth it to continue, and you lose the battle to those dirt bags.  Just don't tip them when they pump your gas in a few years ;)

Offline Andreas

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #27 on: August 22, 2010, 09:21:10 AM
Not moving certainly does not take away my right to complain. That's like saying that a rape victim should have just stayed inside that night and since she didn't, she can't complain. Last night wasn't anywhere near as bad as friday and I could even sleep with the window up. Friday was so bad because of some people standing outside screaming. When (if) i hear back from the police I'm going to email both the school and the student organization and tell them exactly what I think abou ttheir support for excessive partying and hopefully I'll have some legal stuff to throw in for good measure.

gb Offline ryan1835

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #28 on: August 22, 2010, 04:13:06 PM
if this happened in the uk you complaining to the police wouldn't do a thing  :-\

Offline sappyg

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Re: A rant about "young people"
Reply #29 on: August 22, 2010, 07:39:42 PM
@snappyg: So what you're saying is that instead of fighting for your right for peace, the OP should just run away and move? >:(
The OP just said in another post that he can't move!!! So PLEASE stop making the stupid arguement that he should move!!
At OP: Fight on my friend!

if i recall i'm not the only one that suggested that the OP move. it is neither stupid nor impossible. i have annoyed several roomates in the past to the point of either me or them moving.
the bar was there before the OP was. people drink and talk loud in and around bars. sometimes you need to learn when and when not to pick a fight.
the getting raped b/c you went out annalogy does not follow either. there is no reasonable expection of being raped b/c one goes out. if on the other hand one goes out with a known rapist then we could have a reasonable expectation of being raped.
cptno certainly has a reasonable right to privacy yet less so at a bar or any other residence next to a public establishment.



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