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Airport security

Kosmos · 11 · 4636

Offline Kosmos

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Airport security
on: September 28, 2011, 03:47:31 PM
Had a day trip to London yesterday on business and only discovered I'd left my Victorinox Swisscard in my wallet after going through Jersey airport security. Nothing was said or noticed by any staff. I had to fly back from London Gatwick so I thought I'd keep it in my wallet and see if their system would spot it and have it removed (would have given me an reason to replace it with a Swiss lite). Again nothing said or searched.

Anyone else taken something through security without knowing and got away with it ?



gb Offline Sparky415

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Re: Airport security
Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 11:23:43 PM

Yep, they will lull you into a false sense of security and pounce when you have something really collectable in your pocket  :ahhh
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nl Offline Reinier

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Re: Airport security
Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 02:18:44 AM
I once left my Victorinox Huntsman in my carry-on bag and they actually discovered it. This was on a domestic flight in Thailand. It was not confiscated though, they put it in a large envelope which was sealed and after I landed in Bangkok there were 3 ladies (yes, three ladies!) waiting for me to give it back to me :D

The best part: they actually apologized for the inconvenience 8)
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us Offline ICanFixThat

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Re: Airport security
Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 05:12:17 AM
I once left my Victorinox Huntsman in my carry-on bag and they actually discovered it. This was on a domestic flight in Thailand. It was not confiscated though, they put it in a large envelope which was sealed and after I landed in Bangkok there were 3 ladies (yes, three ladies!) waiting for me to give it back to me :D

The best part: they actually apologized for the inconvenience 8)

WOW!!! That's the best airline story I've heard.   :D

za Offline meanx

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Re: Airport security
Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 10:04:47 PM
I once left my Victorinox Huntsman in my carry-on bag and they actually discovered it. This was on a domestic flight in Thailand. It was not confiscated though, they put it in a large envelope which was sealed and after I landed in Bangkok there were 3 ladies (yes, three ladies!) waiting for me to give it back to me :D

The best part: they actually apologized for the inconvenience 8)

I sure hope that doesn't blow over this way, I get most of my knives from the airport. The better the security the more knives I get.   :D
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us Offline bren10man

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Re: Airport security
Reply #5 on: September 30, 2011, 01:10:50 AM
I once left my Victorinox Huntsman in my carry-on bag and they actually discovered it. This was on a domestic flight in Thailand. It was not confiscated though, they put it in a large envelope which was sealed and after I landed in Bangkok there were 3 ladies (yes, three ladies!) waiting for me to give it back to me :D

The best part: they actually apologized for the inconvenience 8)

In the US, the TSA would have told you: "This way, please", and then stated: "I am from the government.  I am here to help you....lose your knife..."  Then, you would have endured full-body cavity search scan ("SMACK!!" goes the rubber gloves as they put them on...) and then MRI scan.  You may or may not make your flight time.   SAK taken away, then sold at auction by the state on E-bay by some company the state deals with to get rid of surplus.

You also would get no apology, and no payment for loss of property or loss of flight.  All expenses incurred you have to pay....and quite possibly jail time or fine if discovered they missed the item during various serches.

NOW, back to the topic: last year, coming back from Korea, at customs in Atlanta, the customs dude asked me and my wife: "Do you have any duty-free alcohol or tobacco products?" Truthfully, we both answered "No."  I could tell you more, but...........Mum is the word!!
« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 01:15:45 AM by bren10man »

us Offline carlb

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Re: Airport security
Reply #6 on: September 30, 2011, 03:58:37 AM
My dad had a small SAK in his shaving bag (or whatever) when they were flying from MN to CA 2 years ago and they took it from him and mailed it back to his house for him. For a small fee of course. No patdown or cavity seach. Just sent him.on his way.

ca Offline jzmtl

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Re: Airport security
Reply #7 on: September 30, 2011, 11:04:00 AM
The whole security thing seems to vary greatly and entirely depends on who you are dealing with. There are people getting their nail clipper confiscated and my dad had to throw out a tube of nearly empty toothpaste once (it doesn't matter how much is in it, only the number printed on the tube). Then you have this guy on EDCF who forgot to leave his kershaw leek when going in the 9/11 memorial, the security found it, called supervisor, who gave it back to him and let him in (If you haven't been to NYC lately it's airport style scan to go in anywhere).

au Offline mvyrmnd

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Re: Airport security
Reply #8 on: September 30, 2011, 11:55:30 AM
I once went through airport security with my work kit. They pulled me up and confiscated the jewelers screwdriver i was using as a bookmark, but let me though with a toolkit full of large drivers, cutters and various other things that I shouldn't have had. I wish they'd make up their mind!
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Re: Airport security
Reply #9 on: September 30, 2011, 01:02:30 PM
Geneva security once found a Vic Spartan in my camera bag.  This was shortly after The New York Event so I had checked my bag before leaving, but the knife had slipped into the padded lining and was well hidden.  They could see it on the X-rays, but couldn't actually find it in the bag.  Eventually we located the knife and removed it.  As I turned to leave the guard put a hand on my shoulder ... and returned my knife.

ni-ulster Offline cerbera147

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Re: Airport security
Reply #10 on: October 01, 2011, 06:39:05 AM
I have inadvertently taken a Wenger Swiss Business Tool in my hand luggage  :ahhh

Normally I get dropped off at the airport but a few weeks ago I took the car and therefore my keys. It wasn't until days later I realised I had taken my Spyderco Bug and Vic Signature II through attached to my keys  :ahhh

Perhaps the Bug was ok as it's soooo tiny




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