A few years ago in the SOSAK forum at KF someone (I'm thinking Karl for some reason...) posted a link to a special SAK model that Wenger did for the Canadian Coast Guard Auxilliary. It's not a special model, just one that has the CCGA logo on it's scales.
I posted some info on it on
SOSAKOnline some time ago.
But, this post is not about a Wenger SAK. If it was it wouldn't be in the cheap forum! While looking at the SAK on their website I also decided to add in a PST clone, also marked with the CCGA logo.
It's a PST clone inasmuch as it's a box type folding plier tool, however the internals are a different configuration to the PST we all know and love. I have to say that I'm glad that this is just a doodad sold to make a few bucks to support their annual Christmas party rather than actual issue as I'd hate to think the guys responsible for saving my hiney are using knockoffs.
That having been said, this is actually not a bad knockoff, quality wise. It doesn't suffer from the usual flimsiness associated with cheap garbage, and while some of the tools (like the saw for example) don't seem ultra efficient, they also don't seem like they'd fail during the first use.
There's an interesting implement in this one- you can see the folding block in this one that fits into an adaptor that allows it to use the bit set that also rides inside the "old sock" type sheath. While it does take away one spot inside the tool, it's a nice feature since it allows you to use different bits.
Even so, this one suffers from having too many bloody screwdrivers already, but since it has an awl I suppose I can overlook the lack of imagination. Also, the scissors don't suck, which is a surprise coming from the average cheapo.
Perhaps the most interesting part of this one is that the company that provided it are willing to actually have their name on it. While ESP Bienne did not make this tool, they still put their name inside it, which shows some faith in the product.
All in all, I have to say that this is a pretty decent tool for what it is. It likely won't survive as long as a PST, but it's a far cry better than most other cheapos that are out there.