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The direction Victorinox is heading.

us Offline powernoodle

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Re: The direction Victorinox is heading.
Reply #30 on: April 02, 2024, 06:03:29 PM
We want new SAKs and MTs from time to time, with new tools.  Victorinox wants to make money.  When those goals are entangled (< quantum mechanics), everyone is happy.  When Victorinox increases revenue while leaving its SAK and MT lineup dormant year after year, they are happy and some of us aren't.  Its just the way things are.


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Re: The direction Victorinox is heading.
Reply #31 on: April 02, 2024, 11:18:00 PM
Youtuber Jon Gadget - who has some serious credentials to back up his opinions - has opined that Victorinox has not done anything innovative in the SAK lineup in the last 3 years.  Instead, he notes that Victorinox has been more focused on "style", scents, watches and other ancillary products.
I used to watch his channel quite a bit, but gave up when I found that, as with this latest video, his 'opinions' are merely echoes and plagiarisms of what people on forums such as this have already been saying. This coupled with his salesman tactics of peppering his videos with affiliate links for everything he's reviewing just robs him of any credence, IMO.
He used to run the Gadget Shop and similar outlet chains, but now they've all been superseded, he's basically flogging stuff on YouTube instead. I have other more personal gripes, but they're nothing to do with his 'credentials'.

Changing the outdated can opener into a package opener on most models would be an easy innovation that would get an instant sale or two from me. It would make the tool much more relevant for modern day use and save my main blade from tape glue mess.
A quick wipe with a bit of IPA on a tissue removes all traces of tape/glue residue, and it's a far cleaner job than it would be with gunked-up serrations on the newer tool.
Personally I still use the can opener to open cans about 3 times a week, along with all my other off-piste uses, so it doesn't seem very outdated to me...

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Re: The direction Victorinox is heading.
Reply #32 on: April 03, 2024, 01:11:55 AM
Are there models Vic has discontinued over the years that I liked and was sorry to see go?


Are there models I wish Vic would produce, but they probably never will?

Again, yes.

However, I’m confident that Vic is making (largely) data-driven decisions designed to ensure the long-term viability of the business.  And as long as they keep making high quality pocket tools at a reasonable price, I’ll continue to buy them.

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Re: The direction Victorinox is heading.
Reply #33 on: April 03, 2024, 03:19:54 AM
A quick wipe with a bit of IPA on a tissue removes all traces of tape/glue residue, and it's a far cleaner job than it would be with gunked-up serrations on the newer tool.
Personally I still use the can opener to open cans about 3 times a week, along with all my other off-piste uses, so it doesn't seem very outdated to me...

I am with you on this. I don’t open cans with it quite that much, but I certainly live in a place where many of  the cans require it. Along with the alternative uses it is one of my most used tools. The package opener seems like the answer to a problem I don’t have. Using a blade to open packages is something I enjoy.
Are there models Vic has discontinued over the years that I liked and was sorry to see go?


It would be quite cool if Vic took a page from the guitar makers like Fender, Gibson etc. who make modern reissues of old models. If they tooled up to make a run of Yeomans, alumnus, or voyageur it seems like many folks would be excited enough to buy multiples.

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Re: The direction Victorinox is heading.
Reply #34 on: April 03, 2024, 03:22:56 AM
If it is family-owned, it is a closely-held corporation but it would still have shareholders - in this case the family.

However it is configured, it exists for the sole purpose of maximizing revenue.  So I can't blame Victorinox for carrying out its mission.  I just wish it gave us a couple of new SAK models along the way, or at least integrated the box opener from the Companion into the general lineup in place of the can opener.  And lose the stupid cork screw, and . . .   .


They are probably consolidating as has previously been said.  Tough going, these last few years.  Innovation costs money and inflation, CPI are running rampant.  Easier to control costs, and cut down on duplicate or similar designs.

Victorinox COULD reverse-innovate.  I wouldnt mind them getting rid of that blasted "hook" on the scissors models.

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Re: The direction Victorinox is heading.
Reply #35 on: April 03, 2024, 03:10:29 PM
Victorinox is expanding their other lifestyle product lines to attract new customers, in order to achieve meaningful growth. Releasing a Farmer X with a file still appeals to the knife people, and they're already customers. It is easy for me to say "why don't they just put screws instead of pins?", but that is a massive change to their assembly line, not to mention customer service and warranty claims, because people took apart their SwissChamp and can't put it back together, or lost a washer or got cut by the loose blade etc.

I'm ok with the innovation I've seen since the first SAK I ever bought. It it ain't broken, don't fix it.
Still, I will look into what models I'd like to have, in case they stop making them.

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Re: The direction Victorinox is heading.
Reply #36 on: April 10, 2024, 03:36:20 PM
“Innovations” may not be the best word for some of these ideas. Maybe just “common sense updates”? For instance, they could offer the package opener as an option on many of their mid-size models. They could call it “Urban edition” or something, (Spartan Urban, Cadet Urban, etc).
But I don’t own a century-old company so what do I know.  :D
  [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]  
*Edited for clarity and to remove some previous quote
This is why I hyphenated "innovations"  :D

I actually have quite some hope for the package opener. E.g. that could be a good tool on a blade-less "knife" double-plus- :D

As for an urban tool. Honestly, that needs a nail file/-cleaner. Because grooming is a huge part of urban-lifestyle. I think that is the tool that is missing the most in the 91mm line-up (sure, you can use the metal file, but ideally they would add a fine diamond side tripple-plus-plus- :D)
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