Great review man! Way better than the ones I do. How do you like the blades shape? I am thinking that blade would be sweet if it was PE and not a combo edge.
Great review Dave. I'm still not sold on it though. I don't see anything there that justifies the price on it.Def
Quote from: ducttapetech on February 16, 2017, 01:07:10 PMGreat review man! Way better than the ones I do. How do you like the blades shape? I am thinking that blade would be sweet if it was PE and not a combo edge.Love the blade shape, but second the motion for a PE blade.Quote from: Grant Lamontagne on February 16, 2017, 12:07:54 PMGreat review Dave. I'm still not sold on it though. I don't see anything there that justifies the price on it.DefHey, it is the single greatest tool that LM ever made I'm still not happy with the plastic bits of the Signal, but the rest rocks.Seriously, why did they ever make MTs without a hammer.. The frame I find more comfortable than the Wave, mostly because it doesn't have any sharp corners. I absolutely think that this frame is the future for LM, with the additional small tool slot in the long tool slot (awl position) and the hammer.
I’m not sure why people have a problem with the awl. I think the design is genius. The grind on the blade and the awl are positioned opposite one another so that the two tools rest in the same slot effectively utilizing nearly every usable cubic millimeter of space in that part of the tool. Then some brilliant person said, “let’s cut a little tiny corner off the hammer so that the awl can stay open when the tool is closed!!!” When I held this tool in my hand and opened the awl, my mind was blown. I just kept wondering why nobody mentioned this in the Shot Show videos!