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Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
on: May 25, 2019, 02:30:14 PM
This is going to be a long one over several days and broken into several bits kiddies, so hold on to your bloomers!

I was approached recently by Keysmart, a company that makes a Swiss Army style key holder multitool kind of thing.  I have seen many of these before, and I even tried the Key Ninja and I was not terribly impressed by it.  I am not really sure I saw the benefit of these kinds of key holders as the problem I had was fundamental issue that would affect them all- no remote based car keys and no rubber headed keys allowed.  So, if I have that problem with the Key Ninja and it is a fundamental issue with the design in general, what good are any of the rest going to be?

Keysmart wanted to take a shot and changing my mind, and they took their best shot by sending me pretty well one of everything, including the Keysmart Pro, which includes Tile functionality so that you can find it.

As this is sort of the "main" piece, I am going to start with this.  I don't know where the Key Ninja is right now, and TBH I don't feel it is worth the effort to go looking for, so there probably won't be any comparison shots for a while, which is fine as I would rather take a fresh stab at the Keysmart Pro and not compare it to the absolute fail of a product that I believe the Key Ninja to be.

That having been said, there are some comparisons I would like to make before I get moving on the Keysmart Pro.  First off, the Keysmart Pro is longer than the Key Ninja, with rounded ends and corners, has an internal, rechargeable batter (vs the replaceable watch cell in the Key Ninja) and it feels more like an actual, engineered design, while the Key Ninja felt more like the cheap "As seen on TV" gadget it is.  Imagine the difference between a real Leatherman PST and the tin PST clone you get free when you buy a hammer a Wal Mart, and you get an idea of the difference between them.

Unlike the Key Ninja, the Keysmart actually feels like it may be something that I would want to carry, and while it may still have some of the same drawbacks (rubber headed keys etc), it feels like it might be worthwhile to explore options, and that's exactly what I have done with it.

After getting it out of the package I plugged it into my laptop to charge, and I set up the Tile function while I waited.  I have ever used a Tile system so I had to start from scratch, and so far it seems pretty handy.  I am not the type to lose my keys, as I habitually put them on the window sill as soon as I walk in the door, so I am not 100% certain how useful this function will be to me.

The next step was to determine how I was going to get my mess of keys sorted into this.  Obviously the rubber headed key for my TV was out, the remote key for my JK was out, my handcuff key was out, the keys for my gun boxes and trigger guards are probably out.... so what could I include?  Well, my house key should work, as would the keys for my trailer lock, bike locks (they are all keyed alike, so one key for all of them, but more on that later!), the key to the Thule box I keep on my trailer for my kayak gear, and of course I would like to keep the Keysmart bottle opener doodad, which also has a 6mm/1/4" wrench cut into it.  Nice attention to detail Keysmart.   :tu:

It was a bit of a balancing act and some trial and error to get the keys sorted into it, and I found that the bike lock key wouldn't fit and had to be left out.  This isn't a failing on Keysmart, and is easily remedied.  Bear with me while I digress for a moment to explain.

Originally this key had a plastic head on it which would have rendered it ineligible for the Keysmart anyway, but the one I usually have on my keys had the head break off it at one point, so I drilled a hole in it and kept using it.  The hole I drilled was too small to fit through the Keysmart's screws, and, if I'm honest was a bit small for my keychain too.  It would be easy to enlarge the hole slightly, and I will probably do that sooner or later- but realistically, if something is too small for a standard keyring, you really can't knock the keyring for that.

Getting back to Keysmart, there was some trial and error when building it, figuring out which keys worked, which ones didn't, how they all fit together the best, which end to put what keys on... yadda yadda.  You are always going to have these issues with something like this, so no big deal there.  I will say it was also a bit of a balancing act getting the spacers in the right places and getting the screws through them etc.

It's a bit fiddly, but if you are a member of this forum then you should be able to muddle your way through it.  The above is mostly the configuration I ended up with, although I did flip the bottle opener so it was between the two keys on that end rather than on the side, mostly because the bottle opener also serves as the point that attached to the keyring, which means you pretty well need to keep it.

With four keys and the bottle opener the Keysmart is actually quite manageable- much more so than the much smaller doodad that I tried before and wasn't going to mention again.  :D

But, it's a bit bulky still, when configured in with the rest of my keys.  I wanted to give this thing a fair shake- after all, Keysmart took a hell of a shot sending me everything, it doesn't seem fair for me not to go the distance for them, so I started to look at maybe paring down my keychain a little. Probably a good idea anyway, as I already carry a lot of keys I don't need every day, like the keys to my guns and trigger locks.

But, even getting my keys down to just the basics (the ones in the Keysmart Pro and my JK key) still meant it was a bit bulky, and that's when I realized I could probably decrease bulk and increase utility using another tool they sent.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #1 on: May 25, 2019, 03:16:19 PM
Interesting read,  i am looking forward to hear more  :popcorn:

I have heard a lot of these things before, but never considered using one. I always felt like i would add more bulk to my key chain without any benefits. Also the fact that there are lots of keys that don‘t fit in there (car keys and such) reduces it‘s usability even further.

Having that said i would also be interested in the weight of your setup before and after, if you have a scale handy  :D

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #2 on: May 25, 2019, 03:32:48 PM
Part 2:

Meet the Raptor.

This is the first of the Alltul series from Keysmart that I will be looking at in this series.  Alltul says it has six functions, as follows:

Phillips head screwdriver
Bottle opener
Flathead screwdriver
Metal cutter

First off, let me say that I appreciate that they have the functions listed like that- most manufacturers would list them to maximize the number of functions:

Lanyard ring
10mm wrench
8mm wrench
7mm wrench
5.5mm wrench
Spoke wrench
Phillips head screwdriver
Bottle opener
Flathead screwdriver
Metal cutter

This would list it as 11 tools, thereby increasing the perceived value of the tool to consumers.  AKA marketing BS, that none of us really appreciate.

The Raptor seems to have a nice, strong gate to it, so I feel confident about using it for my keys.  In fact, it seems stronger than the Nite Ize carabiner I had, although in Nite Ize's defense, that carabiner was originally one of their locking models, until the little locking tab fell off somewhere long ago. 

The Raptor may be a bit thicker and heavier, but it seems like a small price to pay to add a pile of functionality that the Nite Ize carabiner didn't have.  Also, since I have used this as an excuse to drop a few nonessential keys off my ring, it seems like the small weight increase is already quite offset.

I am sort of bothered by the idea of taking this one off the backing card, as the magnets that hold it are pretty strong, and it is strangely addictive to flick it apart with your fingers and have it snap back together again all by itself.  I imagine if Megan were here she would have probably hit me repeatedly with a blunt object to stop me playing with it last night.  My advice?  get two- one to use and one to keep in the package and play with...  :facepalm:

The package says it is good for three pounds, and I believe it- as I said, the magnets are pretty strong.  Plus, as I carry my keys clipped to a belt loop then tucked into my pocket, I am not too worried about separation, which is good because as cool as this thing is, I am still pretty paranoid.

Any closer than this and the MagConnect magnets snap together, yanking the Raptor and the keys along with them.  Make sure your fingers aren't in the middle when it does, because you won't be happy if they are.   :ahhh

The only problem I had was that the keyring on the MagConnector was a bit too small to easily attach it to the Raptor, so I continued using the small locking Nite Ize S Biners that I have had my keys on for years.  I also ended up keeping them on the "key side" of the MagConnect because I often separate my Jeep key when kayaking- everything else gets locked in the Jeep and I just bring the Jeep key with me.  I suppose that would be where the Keysmart Pro would come in handy- I can use the Tile to see how far away I am from where I parked!  :D

So far, it seems to have worked out quite well, as my new key arrangement seems a lot more svelte than the old one.

Not too shabby if I'm being honest, although I suppose I could have achieved much the same thing by just organizing my keys, but that's not something you do terribly often without a reason, so for that much at least I am appreciating the Keysmart Pro.

That aside, does it work as well as it looks?  Time to find out, because that's what MTO is all about.  As you can see, the MagConnect is more than strong enough to hold the Keysmart Pro and Jeep key, but, as I said, that's not too important as I usually then tuck my keys into my pocket.

This fits quite well and is quite comfortable in my pocket as well.  It seems much less intrusive than the huge pile of keys I had before, and due to the rounded edges, the Keysmart Pro is a lot less bulky feeling than the smaller Key Ninja... which I am not mentioning....  :facepalm:

This is a bit of a habit for me though, and represents a bit of a failing with the MagConnect.  When I pull the keys out of my pocket I habitually grab the lanyard, pull the keys out and then unhook them from my belt loop.  The MagConnect will not hold well enough to do this successfully, and it releases the keys into my pocket.  Not a big deal, but something I will have to get used to.

The magnets in the MagConnect are pretty strong though- in fact, when the keys are just lying on the table the MagConnect actually grabs the S Biners and pulls them in as well.  I'm not sure there are any stronger magnets that could be used in something this small, and it's worth noting that magnets are used in both sides, not just one, for maximum strength.

All in all, I am much more impressed with the Keysmart Pro, Raptor and MagConnect than I expected to be.  I am looking forward to playing with the other tools in the package as well, but those will wait for future posts.  For now I am going to stick with this minimalist setup and see what I think, and I will add to it as I go.  I am thinking about possibly removing the S Biner between the MagConnect and Keysmart Pro to save space/wight, but I will leave it for now.  I think I prefer the removability of the S Biner since the bottle opener can't swing all the way out if there is something attached to the keyring.

For those wondering what the price tag of this setup is, it's $60 for the Pro, and I don't see the Raptor of Keysmart listed on their site, but you an look for yourself if you are interested at  They also have more simplified versions of the Keysmart without fancy things like LED lights and GPS tracking.

There's a lot more coming, as I have the whole herd, but talking about them doesn't get my lawn mowed, so I will have to post about them later.  :D

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ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #3 on: May 25, 2019, 03:39:17 PM
Interesting read,  i am looking forward to hear more  :popcorn:

I have heard a lot of these things before, but never considered using one. I always felt like i would add more bulk to my key chain without any benefits. Also the fact that there are lots of keys that don‘t fit in there (car keys and such) reduces it‘s usability even further.

Having that said i would also be interested in the weight of your setup before and after, if you have a scale handy  :D

I knew someone was going to ask me that... because I didn't weigh it before hand.   :facepalm:

Rather than disassemble everything, I have used some other keys to simulate the ones that are currently in the Keysmart Pro, so it may be off by a few grams.

The original setup weighs in at roughly 157g (5.54oz) while the new setup weighs in at 140g (4.9oz) but remember that I have lost the use of a bunch of keys (which admittedly I wasn't using anyway) and added the functionality of two bottle openers, two screws, GPS tracking, an LED light, some wrenches and a wire cutter.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #4 on: May 25, 2019, 03:48:16 PM
Thanks Boss  :tu:

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #5 on: May 25, 2019, 04:01:41 PM
Do you know if they have anything like a magnetic pocket clip in their line-up? I would like to add a pocket clip to my PST without it being permanently attached.

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #6 on: May 25, 2019, 04:19:04 PM
Do you know if they have anything like a magnetic pocket clip in their line-up? I would like to add a pocket clip to my PST without it being permanently attached.

I have no idea if Keysmart has anything like that, but I would be tempted to use an eClipse.  I think Nite Ize had the contract for those, but it expired.  I think they got it back, but I am not sure....

Either way, I have a Tinker with an eClipse on it and it hasn't budged in many years.  I have seen them on everything from multitools and knives to phones and they seem unmovable.  I would imagine they would be a pain to remove as the double side tape is pretty strong, but I am sure it could be removed with some effort.

I haven't tried the plastic ones, but the metal ones are great.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #7 on: May 25, 2019, 06:03:36 PM
Thanks, i will check it out!  :hatsoff:

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #8 on: May 25, 2019, 10:18:25 PM
Do you think the Raptor could cut rebar binding wire? As I'm thinking it might just knock the Doohickey that's been on mine for a few years now off the keyring. My only problem is metric wrenches. Most everything on the farm is SAE, minus the UTV and ATV, both being from Japanese manufacturers yet assembled in the USA.

I will say this about their line of animal tools--compared to UST it seems they better balanced form and function, and as well made them of thicker stock; versus the thin stuff of the USTs.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #9 on: May 25, 2019, 11:01:27 PM
I'm not sure about that.  I've never tried cutting anything like that, but if you can give me an idea what other types of wire it may be similar to that I may have around here I'd be happy to give it a shot.

I haven't actually tried cutting anything at all with it yet.

I did however so some running around today, and the lack of bulky keys made me constantly think I'd forgotten or lost them.   :facepalm: 

Another thing to get used to.  Also, I am thinking that a reorganization of keys inside the Pro may be required but I'll leave it as is for now to see if it really is needed, or if I just need to get used to something new.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #10 on: May 26, 2019, 12:49:14 AM
According to Lowe's; the wire we use is 16 gauge, or just over a millimeter thick.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #11 on: May 26, 2019, 02:49:33 AM
I have some 16 gauge copper electrical wire that is probably too soft and some plant wire that is stiffer but probably a little thinner and lighter.  I will try wrapping a few strands together and seeing if it will cut, and hopefully that will simulate what you have well enough?

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #12 on: May 26, 2019, 04:44:00 PM
I pit the Raptor against the two types of wire I have handy- 16 gauge copper wire and some plant wire that is about 1mm thick with a rubber like coating on it making it a total of 2mm thick.

The Raptor did a better job of stripping the electrical wire than it did cutting it, and this was the result.

The wire got bunched in between both halves of the Raptor, separating the tool slightly.  Not a great start, but then I don't expect it to replace my multitool, so there's still hope.

The smaller plant wire is a lot stiffer and the Raptor cut it easily.  As the Raptor is not overly ergonomic it isn't something I would want to do all day long, but for cutting the odd wire or zip tie I think it is quite capable.  In fact, I felt it went so well that I decided to twist the wire in half and see how well the Raptor handled two at a time.

The Raptor may have done it, but unfortunately the points of it dug into my hands enough that I wasn't going to continue.

It notched the wire pretty good, but I don't see me trying that again any time soon.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #13 on: May 26, 2019, 05:25:49 PM
You can do rubber/plastic headed keys in a Keysmart. You just need a bunch of extenders. I've been using mine like this for years, ditto my employees who loved the idea. Here are a couple of keysmart's with my keys at their bulkiest (it's about half that now),

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #14 on: May 26, 2019, 09:14:29 PM
That is pretty cool, but yeah, it does look pretty bulky.  I am not sure that I would want to add that much size to it.  I am really appreciating the relatively small form factor in it's current configuration.

I had an interesting experience yesterday that proved how neat the MagConnect was.  As I was pulling my keys out of my pocket to unlock my door and come into the house I accidentally pulled a quarter out of my pocket, which then went between the deck boards.  Fortunately it didn't go all the way down, and was caught by some old leaves.  I couldn't reach it, but the magnet on the MagConnect could, and I managed to get it back.

However, this may have been the least it could do, as, when I pulled the MagConnect out to rescue the quarter I noticed another coin was stuck to the magnet, and the MegConnect may have been the reason the quarter was dropped in the first place.

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Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #15 on: May 27, 2019, 06:14:07 PM
Interesting thread Boss... would be keen on what keysmart user experience is...

While looking at key organizers, the keysmart and keybar were my considerations... Finally decided on the Keybar as keys don’t stick out as much. Another reason, Keybars are offered in different types of materials and finishes to suit taste preferences... And they offered a lot of inserts to turn the organizers into a multitool... not to mention collaborations with Griffin and Klecker Knives...

I’m certain those griffin and Klecker tools could fit in the Keysmart but only seen minimal offerings from Keysmart (usb, bottle opener)... Those altools look like they can’t be integrated into the keysmart... and their latest offering is the pocket knives which also can’t be inserted into the keysmart...

Speaking of usb flash drives, Keysmart’s offering is kinda similar to those Kingston Data Traveller...
« Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 06:19:22 PM by jaya_man »

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Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #16 on: May 27, 2019, 06:15:48 PM
Would love to see what other tools owners have in their keysmart just to get some ideas... seen some with LM tools and sliver grippers... :cheers: :popcorn:

Long term use, do the screws loosen over time?

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #17 on: May 27, 2019, 07:31:22 PM
Yes, I will admit to being confused as to why the Alltuls were not compatible with the KeySmart Pro.  Maybe they didn't want to have all their eggs in one basket?   :think:

So far I have been getting on well enough with the Keysmart Pro, MagConnect and Raptor.  I have noticed one thing, and I am not sure how to fix it.

Since the Raptor is a smaller carabiner than the Nite Ize one I had been using I find it is easier to disconnect it at the MagConnect rather than constantly hooking/unhooking it from my belt loop when I get in and out of the car.  The problem is that the magnets on the MagConnect are so powerful that they keep sticking themselves to the S Biners and rings and so won't connect to eachother without me taking a moment to straighten it all out.  Not a huge deal, but a bit annoying.  I suppose the only solution to this is a weaker magnet, but who wants that?

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #18 on: May 27, 2019, 07:34:22 PM
Yup, same experience I have with Keybar’s magnuts... not a big deal either... it even attracted some coins I forgot I had in my pockets...

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #19 on: May 27, 2019, 08:52:58 PM
Would love to see what other tools owners have in their keysmart just to get some ideas... seen some with LM tools and sliver grippers... :cheers: :popcorn:

Long term use, do the screws loosen over time?
Yeah but not much, I give a half twist every three months or so.
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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #20 on: May 28, 2019, 05:14:25 PM
Looks like Drop (formerly Massdrop) has the Keysmart Pro at a (presumably) good price ($45):
- Steve

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #21 on: May 28, 2019, 05:23:28 PM
Was browsing their site earlier, the rugged version looks kinda neat with the clip... just not a deep carry one...

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #22 on: May 28, 2019, 06:15:42 PM
Pared down to 3 keys, since retirement, so the KeySmart  didn't excite me.

The AllTuls looked interesting. Problem is I'd want one of each.
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ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #23 on: July 07, 2019, 02:31:13 PM
I have been carrying and using the KeySmart Pro for some time now and I have to say that I am a complete convert to the KeySmart style key holders.  In fact, I wanted to add some extra versatility to it by adding a USB drive.  I found these two that I thought might work.

As I feared, the better of the two drives (more robust construction, larger 2TB capacity) wouldn't work.  I thought about maybe filling the ring with epoxy and drilling a more usable sized hole to make it work, and I might do that eventually, but for now I figured I would try the thinner, key shaped 8 gig drive.

As you can see, it fits better, which really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone as it is shaped like a key, and therefore shouldn't be so surprising that it fits neatly into something designed to hold keys.   :facepalm:

It's at this point that I am going to go off on a bit of a tangent, but bear with me....

I have often said that creating a good multitool is more art than anything else, which is why you really can't just get a bunch of SAK parts and bolt them into a pair of pliers and pretend you have something special.  I can think of a few companies that have this mentality, and, when you try that mentality with something you end up with this:

Note that the keys stick out one side and the USB drive sticks out the other.  Then look at how much empty space there is.

The efficient use of space is what sets some highly refined multitools apart from some of the obvious amateurs masquerading as brand names.  Especially when, with a bit of effort and planning I can move things around it's relatively easy to find a configuration that uses the space so that things fit together nicely.

Original USB configuration:

Final configuration:

This doesn't affect function in any way, but decreases the overall width and allows all the keys to fit in nicely with the tool and USB drive.

And, the best part is, nothing sticks out!

When it comes to planning things, I am absolutely terrible, but even I can see that putting a little bit of thought and time into something can greatly improve the function with a negligible impact on convenience.  :D

Score one for KeySmart- there have been few tools that have become this ingrained into my daily life, and I have used pretty much everything at one point or another.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #24 on: July 07, 2019, 02:54:18 PM
Glad to hear the Keysmart is working out for you.  I very much like mine too.  Space is a premium with the key holders.  You can cram a bunch in but then what?  Efficient use of that space with tools that are work well in that space is key.  The add on by Klecker all look to be functional and work well within the Keysmart.  My set up is near perfect so I've left it alone for now.  Non of my screws have loosened even after several unintentional drops. 
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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #25 on: September 03, 2019, 05:43:27 PM
Just to update this a bit... I went to use the flashlight in my Keysmart Pro a week or two ago and it was dead as a doornail.  Not a surprise really, as I had never charged it since the initial charge when I got it.  It would be nice if it had given me some indicator that the battery was low prior to it being completely dead so that I could have charged it.  If I had lost my keys when it was dead I'd have never found them again.

Also, now that I have some mileage on it, I am finding that the Keysmart Pro (with three keys and a flash drive) and my Jeep key seem to be at the absolute max weight for the magnetic connector doodad.  It doesn't take much to dislodge the keys from the Raptor clipped to my belt, and I have dropped one end or the other a few times.  So far, thankfully there has been no loss, but it has made me uncomfortable enough to mention it.  I am thinking of removing the magnetic connector and clipping the Raptor directly to the Keysmart Pro and Jeep key with the Nite Ize S-Biners I have.  With the S-Biners it will all still be easily separable, but less likely to come apart when I don't want them to.  The weight on the "key end" is 101g or just over 3.5oz.

Overall I am still very happy with the Keysmart Pro and I consider it well worth having- these are just a few things that you have to keep in mind when using it!

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #26 on: September 14, 2019, 08:53:45 PM
Thanks for the update, Boss  :tu:

Everytime I see one of those key organizers I really like the way they make the keychain look “clean”. I could just not use them. My car key has the remote built into a chunky plastic housing, so it would never fit into one of these organizers  :dunno:

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #27 on: September 17, 2019, 12:12:28 PM
Yeah, I know the feeling.  Jeep keys are more like small swords than large keys, although the idea is more for organizing your other keys and leaving the car keys on another ring entirely.  They you could quickly connect or disconnect them with the Mag-Connects as necessary.

I feel that wold be the strength of the Mag-Connect- connecting keys and Keysmart together, rather than connecting keys and Keysmart to something.  My setup with the Raptor carabiner probably means my keys are at the upper limit of the connection force, but if it was just the keysmart connected to the Jeep key it would be more than strong enough to hold together while bouncing around in a bag, purse or pocket.

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Re: Keysmart Pro and Alltul multitools
Reply #28 on: September 20, 2019, 05:10:33 AM
Makes sense. I only have 3 other keys besides the car keys, so I guess it just doesn’t make sense for me to invest in one of these systems  :dunno:



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