Ever thought about learning first aid ? not actually tool related but they can be used in first aid ( scissors for cutting bandages etc. , knife blade for cutting clothing seat belts harnesses ect .) Plus its a worthwhile thing to do and you could end up saving a life .St. Johns sells the Swisstool in its catalogue .Dunc
Real men shoot recurve!
Compound bows are technological advancements using pulley systems and high tech materials that make shooting easier to master, allow you to shoot farther, and with better accuracy. The pulleys allow for a higher draw weight with less pressure on your fingers, and they allow a "letoff" where the pressure of the bow drops to only a couple pounds to allow you to aim more comfortably.They are fantastic gadgets and the add on factor means you will keep spending money on it for years to come.Real men shoot recurve!Def
There are some great threads about whittling and carving in SOSAK right now. These guys have alot more skill than I do, but I'm betting I have alot more fingers than they do! Def