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Szco Renaissance Daggers.

ca Offline Chako

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Szco Renaissance Daggers.
on: July 09, 2024, 03:16:46 PM
I appear to be on a dagger kick of late. I found a pair of Szco Renaissance daggers while perusing and thought they kind of looked like a Gerber Mark II, and got curious about them. I noticed there were 2 handle choices, a nice wood and a bone handle. I decided to get both of them for my collection. What I didn't pay attention to was the fact that they are 2 different lenghts. I only noticed this once they graced my doorway. Now, for Pakistani knives, the quality is not as terrible as I was expecting. These are cheap knives afterall. With that said, they do not feel at all cheap in the hand. That did surprise me somewhat. The sheath is of a nice leather and appears to be fairly well constructed. I wish there was a plastic protector inside, as the tip of these daggers come very close to punching through the bottom with their tips. I would imagine that with some wear and tear, they just might find their way to doing that. The knives themselves are solid with no wiggle. They also have a nice weight to them. Is Pakistan upping their knife making skills lately?

20240707_150701 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_150711 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_150753 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_150908 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_150937 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_150947 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_151014 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_151028 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_151105 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_151112 by Chako, on Flickr

20240707_151141 by Chako, on Flickr
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