thanks stressmaster that really helped me understand it. I have a couple of junker victorinox that i am going to 'de-layer' , once i get up the exp i will take on the 85mm lockblades (that and i will have to get my sister a 3 layer serrated lock back with carribener clip for my sister in the meantime )
My opinion is that the lock failure is not due to wear on the older is due to the soft backspring issue that they are plagued with. I have fixed several myself by disassembling and bending the spring to create more tension.My advice with older Wengers is to depress the lock just enough to release the blade and never fan the blades out.
Go to this link on knife forums to see what another member of the SAK modding community posted. this is the entire thread showing all the breakdowns for all the parts and inner workings of the common 85mm Wenger SAK's. remember reading and viewing this thread and it helped explain it to me.
Charles, you're bringing back threads that are almost 10 years old...
Though, if I may, Charles, why not make one thread with all your questions in it? That way, it will be easier to find information.