That axe cleaned up real nice!
Great job! And thanks for bringing that new Fiskars to my attention!
A great bunch of axes you have there. Congratulations on the badge! I'd put my Fiskars X-7 to use if it wasn't so cold outside.
I reckon Krista is right. Whilst I would never take my Tuatahi or Jauregi racing axes out to the cold, a real work axe like X-7 can take it with a smileLähetetty minun SM-T515 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Nah. It is true I’m afraid. Handforged and grinded racing axes can break if used in minus temperatures. Quest for speed and power come at a price in general usabilitySent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Something wrong with your camp axe? It's got a big hole in it. I bet that makes it very comfortable for feathering and other close work since you can put your thumb through the hole. Congratulations on the new badge.