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Schrade Demo (?) Knife

Pacu · 7 · 3432

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Schrade Demo (?) Knife
on: May 06, 2013, 11:04:11 PM
Picked up a Schrade demo knife over the weekend for 'bout 6 bucks. Looks and feels just like my 1967 US Camillus except one bolster is not quite as smooth as the original.

I think 6 bucks is a good deal for this knife. Good user without worryin about ruining a good Camillus or other original. Think i'm gonna smooth out the rough bolster and use it a bit at work.

Google search on it came up with a name for it - Schrade Camper Knife, SC-SCAMP4
Imported of course.  ::)
:like:    :MTO:

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Re: Schrade Demo (?) Knife
Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 05:05:31 PM
:like:    :MTO:

hr Offline enki_ck

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Re: Schrade Demo (?) Knife
Reply #2 on: May 07, 2013, 07:17:53 PM

What did you do? Did you break it already? :D

Looks like a nice knife. Especially for $6. How are the backsprings. I hear these demo knives are real nail breakers.

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Re: Schrade Demo (?) Knife
Reply #3 on: May 10, 2013, 10:50:58 PM
Years ago on KF a guy asked for opinions on Smith & Wesson knives, after he'd ordered one.  I made the comment that they were monkey poo.  He then started quoting the specs on the knife and it did indeed seem like it might be halfways decent.  I told him I hoped it would be ok and that I was wrong, but I'd seen more than a few S&W knives that were catastrophic crap.

When it finally arrived he posted about how great the fit and finish was, how nice the ergonomics were and how it was such an awesome knife.  I was genuinely glad to be proven wrong- really I was.  Here was this guy who found a knife that he liked and was pleased with it when it arrived- I'd have to be a Class A jackass to say anything at that point and ruin the joy of a new knife.

A week later he posted that the thing had fallen apart after very little use.  I was really not happy that I was right after all.  You could tell how disappointed he was in the knife now, and I'd have to have been an even bigger jackass to enjoy his misery. 

I don't know how companies like Taylor Cutlery can live with themselves.  They must know how awful they are- I mean, how could they not?  It would be a lot easier to deny that your pants are on fire, although I would imagine that's another one of their problems.

I seriously hope that your knife wasn't that bad, or that you at least weren't hurt when it failed miserably.

Leave the dents as they are- let your belongings show their scars as proudly as you do yours.

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Re: Schrade Demo (?) Knife
Reply #4 on: May 25, 2013, 12:31:55 AM

I'm a newb, but I had to reply to this thread.

I picked up the same knife from an outdoors site, here in the UK.

I took a punt; for £7, it will do for EDC and I won't mind if the over zealous cops decide that the law has changed in the past 10 minutes and they can legally steal my stuff.  :rant:

The knife is not a quality job. Only the main blade and the awl are usable... unless you have a pair of pliers handy to open the bottle and can opener tools. The middle rivet is tighter than the end rivets and the blades all seem to be out of line. If this was screwed together, rather than rivetted, I would have it apart and try a rebuild... I can't be bothered with the fuss to get a refund or exchange, so it serves as a letter opener until I sort something out...

My verdict: actually worth about £3, meh...

Question the nature of your orders.

Do unto others as they would do to you...
But get the <bleeps> first!

Sent from my lapdog, using teh interwebs

hr Offline enki_ck

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Re: Schrade Demo (?) Knife
Reply #5 on: May 25, 2013, 01:00:32 AM
Welcome to the forum, frjack. :cheers:

gb Offline frjack

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Re: Schrade Demo (?) Knife
Reply #6 on: May 25, 2013, 01:13:48 AM
Welcome to the forum, frjack. :cheers:

Ta, muchly. I've mumbled an intro somewhere over there  ---> .

Question the nature of your orders.

Do unto others as they would do to you...
But get the <bleeps> first!

Sent from my lapdog, using teh interwebs



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