Yep Ditto the first point KK - Thanks for making this thread - Although I do need to give this a good proper read ..... RL has been a bit hectic recently!!
Anyway it's in the Dating sticky now - Thanks again 
Thanks and thanks Huntsman!

...dates for the Hoffritz catalogs you (minichamp) posted are closer to the ‘end’ dates for thier use. Particularly the “1974” and “1979” copies. The included price sheets are likely the last ones used for those. The “1979” copy was likely in use by ‘77.
Meant to post about Hoffritz catalogs in this thread first, but started in the Vintage thread. Essentially the same point I made earlier about the tendency to keep the last price sheet associated with a catalog printing.
Hoffritz does have several unique features that add many traceable changes regarding ‘70s chronology. The Hoffritz stainless inlay, tang stamps and sometimes discontinued parts.