More fake Aitors. 
Technically, nothing to report to *bay one these as they don't really claim to be something they're not...
Yeah, I get a ton of these through my hands as they are often in mass lots of knives I buy. I tend to buy them for around $1 and sell them for $2. There are people who buy them just because they're cheap and that's all the money they have to spend. I always make sure to remind the buyers they are cheap junky knives and you get what you pay for. But I do have to try to unload them once they're in my possession.
I like to refer to them as Red Army Knives.
Spotting them is very easy, and I awlways watch for several key things you can tell at a glance in the photos....
1. The "battleship battery". The backside tools are all exposed and open to the air...no completion of the semicircle on that end of the scales, to protect the tips of the backside tools from catching on things, or to guard your hand from the backside tools while using the other tools.
2. Corkscrew and backside phillips on the same knife. While not a bad idea, Victorinox has never done this. Consequently, Vic knives always have at least one scale with no cutout. (See # 1. above).
3. That notorious scissors nub. The scissors have a distinct nub on them to aid (dubiously) with opening them out of the knife. This nub is visible with all the tools retracted, and it forms a distinct bump between the two openers.