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Question for lock blade users
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Zombie Apprentice
Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #30 on:
December 31, 2013, 03:56:28 PM
I think what's Styx said earlier in the thread pretty much sum up what I dislike about a slip joint knife(also where a 'stabbing' motion is needed, like making a hole).
The interesting thing is--if all the 91mm SAK has a duller tip like 'my first SAK' or '111mm Trekker', then I will most likely to think of 91mm SAK blade as strictly a 'cutting' blade vs what I could do with a locking blade.
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #31 on:
December 31, 2013, 04:22:12 PM
Lock on a folder is a clumsy knife nut's best friend
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #32 on:
December 31, 2013, 06:39:09 PM
been giving this question some thought while going about my day, see Kirky some of us DO listen to you ! And i'd like to answer the question with a question.
do you mean "why do people need to carry Both locking and non locking blades ?" (at the same time)
i often EDC a multitool with locking blade, not
the blade locks specifically but because i like that particular tool, same with my choice of pocket knife. i do feel more confident using a lock blade, i like most here i'm sure, have been 'bitten' and still have at least one scar from an unexpected 'closing'
i wouldn't feel i 'need' a Large lock knife to accompany my any of my favourite EDC's. since most of my cutting needs
be achieved with a small non locking blade (even a Vic classic or similar) i'd rather have a selection of 'tools' above one large blade. i do however like OHO blades because i often find i want to 'cut' something but only have one hand free. (ie up a ladder holding on for dear life)
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #33 on:
January 01, 2014, 02:11:02 AM
I carry a lock blade for cutting construction materials.
its just safer
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #34 on:
January 01, 2014, 03:23:29 AM
Way more safe.
I also carry one because, my sak or multi just won't handle the task or dulled out fast on a task rather quickly. Having that extra blade is nice. (Jammed up haybine) And yes I have dulled all of my blades I carry in matters of minutes when I have been in the fields tons of times.
sent from Nate's mobile
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #35 on:
January 01, 2014, 02:31:39 PM
Son saved from mountain lion attack with Spyderco Caly 3.5 (try that with a Classic SD):
Here's how I see it. We carry this stuff (MTs, SAKs, knives, lights, guns, first aid kits, bug out bags, get home bags, Man Sacks, etc.)
because it makes us feel good to be prepared.
And sometimes, this excessive preparation actually comes in handy. Take the mountain lion as an example.
Its better to have it and not need it, than the converse. Options are good. Just my take. There is some deep psychology going on here that relates to our fears and the train wreck between our ears, but I'll leave it at that.
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #36 on:
January 01, 2014, 09:22:06 PM
Three reasons I cary a folder ; 1) locking , 2) OHO , 3) good steel . I have a few folders ( CRK Sebbie. , and Striders ) , that are close to a FB in overall strength . I the late 80's I got a finger trapped in an industrial accident . Luckily I was found and freed within minutes of the time in which I had decided I'd have to self rescue by self amputating the finger . In 2007 , I had a near miss with a 5/8" drain snake that had grabbed my right hand glove , and tightened it around my right wrist . I was able to open my Vic. OHO rescue ,deploy it , and cut the glove away from the hand .
I believe in OHO folders !
nate j
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #37 on:
January 05, 2014, 09:23:42 AM
I often carry a non-locking SAK plus a larger OHO locking knife. The SAK typically handles the mundane, day-to-day chores, with the larger OHO knife in reserve in case of emergency. I can think of a number of emergency scenarios (some good examples have already been provided in this thread) in which it might be advantageous to be able to open a knife quickly and with only one hand. And, as Syph points out, if one is going to have a OHO knife, it makes much more sense from design, operation, and safety standpoints for that OHO knife to have some type of lock vs. no lock.
I've considered a FB in place of the larger OHO locking knife, but a FB offering comparable blade length would be less convenient to carry and possibly less socially acceptable. At least around here, a folder clipped in a pocket doesn't get a second look, but a fixed blade on the belt might turn some heads unless one were actually out hunting.
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #38 on:
January 07, 2014, 02:13:55 AM
The locking folder is also OHO and clipped to pocket, which are the primary reasons. Often I already holding whatever I need to cut in hand and let it go isn't always an option, so I can access, open, cut fold and put back with my other hand.
The SAK is mostly for clean/food/scissors/non-scary use, so I don't actually use SAK blade often.
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Zombie Apprentice
Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #39 on:
January 07, 2014, 10:36:39 PM
Thanks everyone for your input,it's made very interesting reading,and very enlightening in some cases
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Re: Question for lock blade users
Reply #40 on:
January 08, 2014, 09:24:05 AM
I REALLY wish that my EDC Alox Electrician was a lockblade of some sort because it closed on my finger today while I was trying to cut some hose and I now have a level 3 ouchie.
it's only because of the location that it didn't need a couple of stitches but it's held together with steri-strip.
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