Looking forward to this destruction.I mean... "mod".
Haven’t done anything in a while and got a cheap Wenger Monarch off eBay a few days ago. Blade tip was jacked along with bottle opener was bent. So I dropped it layer getting rid of fish scaler entirely. Like the clip blades so I replaced jacked up blade and nail file. Also removed dog leg can opener and put in new opening layer. The whole reason I wanted this SAK was for the old school scissors. Nobody messes with Wenger anymore, but I like them. [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]
Yeah that is a sweet looking mod Matthew. Do you know if those old Wenger scissors can go into a Vic 84mm frame like the later Wenger ones?
My first try at this, it's nothing spectacular but at least it turned out ok.I want my SAK in Alox, as sleek as possible, with only the tools I need. I haven't used the openers in years. There are better drivers in every EDC tool that I carry, I also have a pry bar that can take my body weight, we have virtually outphased bottle caps, and tins come with opening tabs. So off with that whole layer. Knife, awl, scissors, saw - they all perform a task that the other tools don't. Nothing is redundant. It's remarkably light, and as a three layer item with saw, it is a whole millimetre thinner than the Pioneer X (which also has a near perfect tool set).So it's a Farmer X without openers. What should I call it? Something agricultural. I'm thinking maybe the Peasant X. Or Serf X? Kulak X? Settler X? Homesteader X?For my next attempt, I'm gonna need a set of quality bits for drilling into metal. As you might guess, I made a mess of the scale with the Vic Cross. I may sacrifice a Solo to fix it. I may also play around with the layers, maybe turn the saw around, there seems to be more clearance on the other side.
Decided to do another Wenger mod yesterday. Wanted to incorporate their brushed stainless steel scales with clip point blades. Heavy little compact SAK,.
Nice! Really like those clip point blades!
I did small mods on my Pioneer X, i filed blade edge to inside can opener to act as hook like package opener also bit improved phillips part so it goes bit deeper.I have also shortened bit my awl so now its bit stronger and sharper. It may not look shsrp but it is. Mods are bit rough but both do their jobs and orginal purpose still stays. (Image removed from quote.)(Image removed from quote.)Only Tools Matters
Looks good Antti, I have done similar to one of my can openers, but more of a hook shape, pretty useful.
Lately I have been wanting to make mods that seem out of place and time. The fishing tool mod was one, wooden scales, bail, limited tools. On a similar thing I have had this one in my notebook for a while, but hadn’t quite figured out if it would be alox or not, or a 100mm. This one is the “buzzsaw gardener” like a buzzsaw trapper only a Vic gardener. Thicker handle, no back tools, just saw and blade. I wanted to go brass liner but got too impatient to wait for the material. [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ] [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ] [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]