I have friends that are pushing me to get one, or a Garmin version, with all the outdoor activities I do. I just might take them up on it.
There are advantages, the downside is having to charge the watch, iWatch maybe every day if you utilize the activity monitor for long periods. (My experience)
I keep meaning to study up on Garmins, I know they a little more costly, and a tough built wrist gadget. I have acquaintances from the Y that sport this brand, two are Ironman athletes, usually doing an event every other month, some in other parts of the world.
Another is an extreme hiker and traveler. Elevation readouts as well as compass is his thing (GPS)
Sounds like you’ve had a pretty tough time there mate, glad you’ve been able to get through it and make the most of life 

Yes, tough, yet there others that I know facing even tougher challenges.
Doing what I need to do, when no one is watching. Is my thing that the watch does not let me lax. You do it or you do not! Only you know, the watch lets me track, no fooling it.
In many ways it is a novelty, like FolderBeholder showed me her Snoopy theme watch face, really cool feature.
Thank you for “cheers”.

(Ginger beer)