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Military Issue tool (where and what?)

gb Offline Mike, Lord of the Spammers!

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #60 on: August 01, 2008, 08:12:20 AM
It was a pretty awesome victory though!
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Offline Tarrodemierda

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #61 on: August 01, 2008, 11:55:02 AM
i just discovered that some of the Swedish UN / Kfor units used Crunch as an issued tool during Kosovo "tour".

 :o that's interesting man Mikko you sure have alot of info on this stuff :D :salute: thanks :cheers:

well i have quite few friends and some other guys,that i know a bit and theyv have been around the world in different tasks in UN etc,and i keep harassing them about this topic and they call to their buddies to get info and peace from me :D

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #62 on: August 01, 2008, 01:02:52 PM
The standard Military issue tool for U.S. forces and Allies:

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #63 on: August 01, 2008, 01:09:30 PM
i almost knew someone posts in some point some pics of p38 & p51  :D
its handy little gadget.

us Offline Poncho65

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #64 on: August 02, 2008, 02:43:12 AM

 :salute: Good on you for the :pok:  :D

I also love the p38 never had the p51 but I'll probably end up with one the smaller 1 is so great a bit bigger version would surely be better ::) :D
« Last Edit: February 26, 2019, 12:25:41 AM by Poncho65 »

ph Offline edap617

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #65 on: August 02, 2008, 07:35:01 AM
Gene, here's the pic you requested.

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #66 on: August 02, 2008, 08:56:26 AM
Thanks Ed! I wonder if the steel are the same be it civilian or military issue?

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #67 on: August 03, 2008, 04:19:04 AM
I usually pic them up @ a GI surplus place when I get them so I was thinking that they were the same :-\ never really thought about it but they may be made of different materials :)

ph Offline Teofilo

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #68 on: August 03, 2008, 06:23:28 AM
but they may be made of different materials :)

They may be ???

us Offline Poncho65

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #69 on: August 03, 2008, 07:56:06 AM
but they may be made of different materials :)

They may be ???

Where would 1 find out something like that ??? Now you have got me wondering :ahhh :D

Offline Tarrodemierda

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #70 on: August 03, 2008, 07:59:49 AM
i bought some...year ago two p38´s and the other was branded as"shelby co",it had good sharp edge,more finished looks all over and the other one was without any trademarks and it was dull and in poor "chrome",un finished edges etc.

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #71 on: August 03, 2008, 08:22:47 AM
I have several of the p38s  :think: don't really know how many seems like they are on almost every keyshain that I own :D Perhaps they are the same as military issue  :think: Aside from a little patina and some minor rust stains they all seem to work just fine ;) :D

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #72 on: August 03, 2008, 11:41:47 AM
but they may be made of different materials :)

They may be ???

Avoid them - unless you are in need of a canopener right now and can't get anything else.

Otherwise, spend a little more to get the real thing - real P38s can still be found fairly cheap.

All of the knockoff P38s that I've tried were markedly inferior to the real thing.

They are made of inferior steel in my experience.

They dull quickly - noticeable after opening several cans.

I've had knockoffs bend while in use and then refuse to close up properly.

One particular knockoff P38 became rusty after a couple months carry in my wallet.


Offline Tarrodemierda

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #73 on: August 03, 2008, 05:04:42 PM
heres abit crapy shot of one new i got today,its genuine DDR (a state that existed once 1949-1990 as soviet unions satellite state in germany)army´s issued folding knife/tool.its quite small coarse finish but still quite robust and will no the tasks well i has sharp sheepsfoot blade,can/bottle opener and fixed flat screwdriver,olive green scales and this little steel wire loop to attach it into keychain or what ever.

this all new,never used little tool,and i like it. i actually bought two of these and othe ris for sale/trade.the other i keep,since it looks good with my Gak :D

* ddr issue folder2.jpg (Filesize: 58.22 KB)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 09:33:54 PM by Tarrodemierda »

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #74 on: August 03, 2008, 09:06:49 PM
the ones that I have have never dulled but they have had a pit of patina from some rust other than that never had one bend either :)

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #75 on: August 04, 2008, 08:20:26 PM
It was a pretty awesome victory though!

I still, get a kick about when they hotwired some school buses and booked it up from the Sinai to the Golan heights.

After hearing that, being stuck in a rice paddy,by a VC sniper, does start to look a little bannal  :think: ::)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 08:24:56 PM by BIG-TARGET »
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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #76 on: August 04, 2008, 08:29:48 PM
I just had an evil thought >:D :think:

Do any of our resources have the capability to contact Vic/Wenger to see what military-government contracts they do have??

Might help :think:
"Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall;
 Some run from breaks of ice, and answer none:
 And some condemned for a fault alone." -William Shakespeare, King Lear (1608), Act IV, scene 6, line 169

gb Offline Mike, Lord of the Spammers!

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #77 on: August 04, 2008, 10:11:32 PM
I think Dunc did nit so long ago :think:
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us Offline Poncho65

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #78 on: August 05, 2008, 02:02:11 AM
I think Dunc did nit so long ago :think:

What was there answer ??? :)

england Offline Dunc

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #79 on: August 07, 2008, 10:26:38 PM
I think Dunc did nit so long ago :think:

What was there answer ??? :)

This may help,5212.0.html
  I will see if I can dig out some more info .


us Offline Poncho65

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #80 on: August 09, 2008, 06:37:21 AM

This may help,5212.0.html
  I will see if I can dig out some more info .


 :salute: Thanks for the link Dunc :D
« Last Edit: February 26, 2019, 12:44:02 AM by Poncho65 »

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #81 on: October 28, 2022, 05:19:43 AM
I wasn't planning on reviving any ancient threads, BUT I was thinking about the terms "Swiss Army Knife" and "British Army Knife"  and I suddenly wanted to ask everyone if our diverse group could collectively talk about what MTs are actually issued to troops around the world (today and in the past)  AND what-do-ya-know, Poncho was way ahead of me over a decade ago!   :hatsoff:

I didn't have much to add to the list myself.  I had a cool German guy stay at my house for a weekend and he said they are issued a knife based multi tool.  When I asked him to look it up online he googled it and the picture looked just like the Swiss Soldier 08.  I have no idea if that was just him or the whole army...

I used to work with a guy about 6 years ago that served in the US army.  We were talking about multi tools and I brought up the MUTT and other AR platform multi tools.  He told me that those MIGHT get issued to some people but he worked as some kind of mechanic and he was issued a black oxide Wave that the brought into work the next day. 

I would love to hear any other stories about modern or not-so-modern military issued MTs...

* sak.jpg (Filesize: 51.05 KB)

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #82 on: October 28, 2022, 06:01:10 AM

There's a good and more current discussion on Soldiers knives and MT's in this thread, naturally I've taken you first to one of my posts  :whistle:,49775.msg2261681.html#msg2261681


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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #83 on: October 28, 2022, 02:11:53 PM
Thanks for the necro, K_G :salute: good to reread this thread, except for all my spelling and grammar errors :facepalm: :D

This thread died out to soon and there is plenty of info that has been gathered on this subject over the years here at MTO now  8) :like:

za Offline Humayd A R Mahomedy

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #84 on: November 09, 2022, 12:35:24 PM
Funny! Makes me wonder why is that Spoon? I remember back then (and even up to this present day) when people in my place use to name other brands of toothpaste COLGATE be it CLOSE UP or CREST.
that used to be the case here too.
some people still say "Colgate smile" [big toothy smile/grin]  :D

za Offline Humayd A R Mahomedy

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #85 on: November 09, 2022, 12:42:19 PM
that used to be the case here too.
some people still say "Colgate smile" [big toothy smile/grin]  :D

there's little i could find on tools issued to the SANDF,i remember yeas ago there was a Kershaw lockback issued,maybe a Pioneer SAK.
Parabats [parachute batallion] and Recces [special forces] are issued "Kabars" [Camillus and Kabar] and now they have the Kraton-handled version with kydex sheath. Recces also were issued a machete [mission specific] and FS dagger. they bought their own SAKs and MT's

wales Offline Smashie

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #86 on: November 17, 2022, 12:24:01 AM
Since my day nothing is just issued apart from basic kit, there has to be a need for it. If you just go and ask for it the QM will tell you to foxtrot Oscar.

The British forces clasp knife, issued if you lucky, is exceptionally good, at rusting and becoming useless dead weight. I used to carry an Ericsson Mora 511, gift from my father, still got it.

If you needed cap crimpers then us brits have an amazing one, it’s two bits of flat steel, blackened (just so if you drop it you will never find it again) that are riveted together so tightly they will remove your fingers before they crimp the cap.

In later years I carried a Gerber LMF II, the only good knife they’ve ever made. I have got, somewhere, an FS pattern 3 fighting dagger. But the theory was if you’ve run out of rounds and the bad guy is still standing, then you’re going going to die, painfully.

Some units get the Gucci kit, most don’t, and if you’re lucky enough to be in one of those units then you’ll buy your own anyway.

Interesting fact, when flying out of the UK on deployment, troops are subject to the same rules as civvies. So nice knifes and MT’s are routinely stolen by whichever git happens to on security that day. You still get to carry your rifle onto the plane though.

The trick we learnt was to be typically British so the Americans would wonder what was going on and then steel their kit. It was fair, they were always wanting to swap MRE’s (3 lies for price of one) for our equally nasty ration packs, or rats, which I’m sure was the main ingredient, even in the veggie option.

Anything procured by the military will either be A) so expensive you’re not allowed to look at it or B) made by the lowest bidder.

Just a light hearted observation on the smurf troops have to deal with every day, except the RAF, bunch pampered prima donna’s.
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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #87 on: November 17, 2022, 02:21:33 AM
Anything procured by the military will either be A) so expensive you’re not allowed to look at it or B) made by the lowest bidder.
Maybe the Schrade and Camillus paratrooper autos from the Vietnam era were so bad because they were made by the lowest bidders? :think:

However, the tool box I was fortunate enough to have access to as part of USS Peleliu's power plants shop did not come from the lowest bidder. Most everything in there was Snap-On, laser-etched with the work center's ID number, and in laser-cut foam inserts. Not cheap, and aside from feeler gauge blades that would rust if you coughed on them, damn nice. I even got to use them!
USN 2000-2006

Culling of the knife and multi herds in progress...

If I pay five figures for something, it better have wings or a foundation!

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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #88 on: November 17, 2022, 10:00:22 AM
Maybe the Schrade and Camillus paratrooper autos from the Vietnam era were so bad because they were made by the lowest bidders? :think:

However, the tool box I was fortunate enough to have access to as part of USS Peleliu's power plants shop did not come from the lowest bidder. Most everything in there was Snap-On, laser-etched with the work center's ID number, and in laser-cut foam inserts. Not cheap, and aside from feeler gauge blades that would rust if you coughed on them, damn nice. I even got to use them!
Oh the Navy, they also get a load of good kit, pusser will provide. Vietnam was ongoing when I was born and I’m the wrong nationality to comment of what was issued then. I can only comment on the Brits from ‘87 on.

I do know that during Vietnam a hell of a lot changed in terms of kit and tactics, some good, some bad. That’s the nature of it.

I did have some very good kit issued to me, all be it generally too late to be any use. My whole post was wholly sarcastic and aimed squarely at British forces and MOD procurement.
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Re: Military Issue tool (where and what?)
Reply #89 on: December 29, 2022, 06:16:06 PM
When I was in the army we had the option to buy a MP600 with the sight tool on it. Most did and carried that one. I always been a tool geek so after AIT I bought a MUT and carried a CRKT M16. I didn’t know of better folders at the time but knew I liked leatherman more.



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