If they dismantle OK perhaps you could rub a bit of wet & dry paper over the clear surround? Neil
hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss is a part of outdoor-life soundtrack.
I remember using similar lamps on the patrol tables at camp when I was in Scouts. They worked well but they were big, smelled a bit and you had to prime them (and we were a lazy bunch). For practicality you can't beat a modern LED and a few rechargeables.Neil
Whatever happened to packing up an old Coleman lantern to go camping with? I bought a gas, not propane, lantern 8 years ago for $30, and it did everything I wanted it too. I had it filled, and lit it up just when i needed too and it lasted all night long on one tank of fuel. Not only is camping an American tradition, but it brings back memories of camping with my grandparents, and sitting around the picnic table with the light and hiss of the Coleman lantern right there in the middle of the table.It's a shame that camping has now went to where most people prefer to buy batteries for their camping light. I can understand the safety issue, but it is still not the same, and just teach the kids to stay away from it.