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Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
on: May 31, 2014, 03:19:39 PM
Just got this from my buddy Glenn Klecker, whom you may all know from Leatherman (designed the Skeletool), CRKT (designed the NIRK knife, wooden knife kit and others) or Crimson Trace.

Hi there,

Even if you are not into outdoor gadgets, you might know someone who is.  I invented an entirely new and unique multi-tool and I am launching it on kickstarter to get the word out.  Please check it out or share this with someone who likes any sort of outdoor activity.  If you share it through any sort of social  media please let me know and I will send you a pair of Trigger Knife Kits for free of any color just for helping out. 

Please check out my link...

This tool will eventually be available on my website, but please go to kickstarter first and back my project.  I'm hoping to get the word out there quickly as I have only 30 days to fund my project.

Thanks for your time.

Kind Regards,
Glenn Klecker

Check it out- Glenn is a member here too, and you know we all look after our own!

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ca Offline Syph007

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 03:24:24 PM
Hey they allow sharp stuff on there now?  They didnt let knife type projects before.

"No bath, beauty, and cosmetic products; electronic surveillance equipment; eyewear (sunglasses, prescription glasses, and others); firearms, weapons, knives, weapon accessories, and replicas of weapons; medical, health, safety, and personal care products; or infomercial-type products."

So did he get special access or something?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 03:31:00 PM by Syph007 »
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nl Offline bmot

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #2 on: May 31, 2014, 03:32:49 PM
Hey they allow sharp stuff on there now?  They didnt let knife type projects before.

"No bath, beauty, and cosmetic products; electronic surveillance equipment; eyewear (sunglasses, prescription glasses, and others); firearms, weapons, knives, weapon accessories, and replicas of weapons; medical, health, safety, and personal care products; or infomercial-type products."

So did he get special access or something?

Well, axes aren't weapons, just ask UK Ebay  ::)
A knife-carrying guide for the international traveller. :,47532.0.html

ca Offline Syph007

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #3 on: May 31, 2014, 03:36:28 PM
Hey they allow sharp stuff on there now?  They didnt let knife type projects before.

"No bath, beauty, and cosmetic products; electronic surveillance equipment; eyewear (sunglasses, prescription glasses, and others); firearms, weapons, knives, weapon accessories, and replicas of weapons; medical, health, safety, and personal care products; or infomercial-type products."

So did he get special access or something?

Well, axes aren't weapons, just ask UK Ebay  ::)

LOL UK ebay the voice of reason?  :ahhh

Dont the youth gangs use axes, or just kitchen knives?
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us Offline sawman

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #4 on: May 31, 2014, 03:40:48 PM
I see great potential here. It definitely fits the criteria of a MT and I like the various options currently being proposed, especially the curved handle. :2tu:

nl Offline bmot

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #5 on: May 31, 2014, 03:41:34 PM
Hey they allow sharp stuff on there now?  They didnt let knife type projects before.

"No bath, beauty, and cosmetic products; electronic surveillance equipment; eyewear (sunglasses, prescription glasses, and others); firearms, weapons, knives, weapon accessories, and replicas of weapons; medical, health, safety, and personal care products; or infomercial-type products."

So did he get special access or something?

Well, axes aren't weapons, just ask UK Ebay  ::)

LOL UK ebay the voice of reason?  :ahhh

Dont the youth gangs use axes, or just kitchen knives?

I don't know, don't come into contact with youth gangs :P

Anyway, you never know, people might just start to get reasonable again, don't act too surprised or you'll startle them! :ahhh
A knife-carrying guide for the international traveller. :,47532.0.html

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #6 on: June 05, 2014, 12:29:35 PM
$28,000+ raised to meet the $15,000 goal- I think that's pretty cool!  Looks like Glenn has a winner!

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #7 on: June 05, 2014, 11:32:52 PM
That's Amazing !  :tu:

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #8 on: June 08, 2014, 04:21:22 AM
Glenn and the KLAX just won Most Innovative Design at Blade this year!

Congratulations buddy!


Sent from a digital multitool

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ca Offline Metropolicity

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #9 on: June 08, 2014, 03:29:51 PM
I totally backed the project. On an early bird one too!!

There is always a way, hack on!
Why stop now?

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ca Offline Syph007

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #10 on: June 12, 2014, 01:55:08 AM
Its for sure gadgety and interesting.  I dont know about how much chopping Id expect it to do, maybe just light duty, but that clamping mech looks like a failure point to me.  The standard tomahawk head already works as a handle-less head carry as you can cut down a branch in the woods with the head and make a handle no problem.

The Ti version is a bit confusing though and I assume its just for people who love Ti and will collect this type of thing.  Ti is completely inappropriate for an axe head.  It won't hold an edge and also is too light to chop with.  But interesting looking for sure.
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us Offline sawman

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #11 on: July 04, 2014, 03:56:01 PM
Its for sure gadgety and interesting.  I dont know about how much chopping Id expect it to do, maybe just light duty, but that clamping mech looks like a failure point to me.  The standard tomahawk head already works as a handle-less head carry as you can cut down a branch in the woods with the head and make a handle no problem.

The Ti version is a bit confusing though and I assume its just for people who love Ti and will collect this type of thing.  Ti is completely inappropriate for an axe head.  It won't hold an edge and also is too light to chop with.  But interesting looking for sure.
I never thought of that. I somehow don't care much for it anymore  :facepalm:

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #12 on: September 27, 2014, 09:40:55 AM
the non Ti mid range ones look great

us Offline Lynn LeFey

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #13 on: October 30, 2014, 06:52:06 PM
I came across this on GearJunkie, and thought I needed to jump right on here to post about it... except, I assumed SOMEONE here had posted about it already. Because... of course you guys did, all the way from the Kickstarter project.

I'm a little slow.

But holy cow, this is a REALLY cool design!

us Offline Kampfer

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #14 on: January 18, 2016, 09:13:07 PM
EDC: Black Talon, Black Cat, Spirit, LD02

ca Offline Syph007

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #15 on: January 19, 2016, 03:57:52 PM
That's why a standard tomahawk head is better.  The handle is wider at top then bottom, so swingin it actually tightens the head, but you can bang it down and take it off the stick.  Ive done that with my cold steel trail hawk and it does work.

So like I said before, neat design, but not practical for actual use.
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gb Offline AimlessWanderer

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #16 on: January 19, 2016, 04:23:30 PM
If the shock is loosening the thread, a finer pitched thread would help. Unfortunately, it won't help prevent the clamps compacting the wood where it contacts, and loosening the head that way. There's also the issue of if you carry the head only, you have to harvest a suitable handle somehow, and cut the notch in it for the head to sit in.

This all leans towards either finding an alternate tool to eliminate these problems, or carrying a pre-made handle out of a dense material that won't deform/compact under the clamps.

As Syph says, it's clever - but that doesn't necessarily translate to efficient, effective, or reliable. It's not for me I'm afraid  :-\
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 04:24:35 PM by 50ft-trad »

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #17 on: January 19, 2016, 08:10:18 PM
All the folding shovels with screw tie mechanism I tried (I tried them all) have the same issue, they are nice to carry because they fold into a compact package, but PIA in actual use.
EDC: Black Talon, Black Cat, Spirit, LD02

bavaria Offline Tomcat_81

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #18 on: January 19, 2016, 09:26:12 PM
@ Kampfer:
On principle I never buy things that were produced in the GDR. Never. The stuff I got hold of was either crappy material or crappy material and design.
Until I got hold of their folding spade. (Item shown isn't mine, mine has seen 6 years of intense metal detecting in upper Bavaria)

It's actually quite good. First I had a good laugh about the bacelite-screw that secures the folding mechanism, but that thing has endured so much bashing, prying, throwing etc that I'm left quite impressed.
So, to put it in a nutshell: GDR-product=crap, except the folding spade ;-)

Maybe they could use bacelite on the Klax ;-)

Edit: Well, also the pouch for the spade is crap
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 09:38:05 PM by Tomcat_81 »
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us Offline Kampfer

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Re: Klecker Axe Tool- the KLAX!
Reply #19 on: January 19, 2016, 09:36:01 PM
The West German is far superior than any I tried.
This one I modded to add cutting edge on one side and saw tooth on the other, also a nail puller.
Other than being a shovel and pick, I use it as an axe, pry bar, or generally beat smurf up.
* Multi-Shovel.JPG (Filesize: 136.34 KB)
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 09:38:13 PM by Kampfer »
EDC: Black Talon, Black Cat, Spirit, LD02



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