Dug this out of storage just to come here and show it off. Excuse the photo quality, I just started using this camera and don't yet know how it works.
First, let's take a look at all the tools;

Nice enough ruler stamped into the arms;

A couple size comparison images with my Leatherman Micra;

This might be the smallest awl I've ever seen;

The only evidence of branding visible anywhere;

This one isn't going to surprise you (sorry for the dark exposure);

There might be a problem or two with fit & finish;

Things that aren't evident from the photos;
The implements are very prone to "clumping."
One arm is much tighter than the other, making the process of folding/unfolding the tool rather awkward.
You may be able to tell the ergonomics are terrible. Those little rounded sections at the ends of the arms are a bit sharp, and the insides of the arms also dig into my hand when I operate the pliers.
The rivets are as sloppy and uneven as the alignment on the closed arms.
In closing, this tool is pretty bad. I don't recall where it came from now; it was probably a random gift from a friend. I'm sure it wouldn't cost much to pick one up if they're still in production, but you'd be better served with one of Gerber's small multitools.