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LM Wave mod and ??

cgk · 5 · 2306

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LM Wave mod and ??
on: September 12, 2008, 07:43:51 PM
I bit the bullet and picked-up a Wave today.  I was playing with it (of course) when it occurred to me I could very easily make the saw blade a one-hand opener.  What I did was attach a small piece of Velcro (stiff bristles) to the blade.  The Velcro had adhesive but I also needed to add a small drop of Superglue.  The best part is that its totally reversible.
Now two questions:  1- is it normal for the handles to come apart a little or do I need to tighten them up (if so, how?)
2- any idea on how to "wave" the main knife blade without cutting into the thumb grove?  I am afraid if I take the easy path and cut open the thumb hole it will weaken the blade.  If you don't know what I mean, I am referring to the way some Emerson and Syderco knives open.  This is not a huge deal but I am curious on your thoughts.
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« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 07:46:52 PM by cgk »

scotland Offline Sea Monster

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Re: LM Wave mod and ??
Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 10:54:24 AM
Some people have had success with the "ghetto wave" cable tie.

00 Offline Freudian Frog

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Re: LM Wave mod and ??
Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 04:40:47 PM
I'd have to say...

Don't do it, for the sake of multi nuts everywhere.

Waved blades are some bad rep. :(

What the heck is a one-handed saw for anyway? :D
Got those frog legs.

Offline cgk

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Re: LM Wave mod and ??
Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 11:41:14 PM
I'd have to say...

Don't do it, for the sake of multi nuts everywhere.

Waved blades are some bad rep. :(

What the heck is a one-handed saw for anyway? :D

I one-hand the because I can.  Do I NEED, but what the hell.

I started using a Waved knife defensively, weak-side carry.  During a gun grabbed I had the ability to deploy the blade and start slashing immediately.  Truth is I grew to like the convenience of it.  I have small hands and usually need to re-grip a knife to open the blade (this includes autos and assisted blades), a waved blade requires no re-gripping.  SOOOO bottom line Im overly lazy and want the knife to do all the work for me.  I think Ill live without it on this tool.  Thanks for the reality check.

Offline Leatherman123

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Re: LM Wave mod and ??
Reply #4 on: September 13, 2008, 11:56:57 PM
I find the LM Wave's saw is pretty easy to open one handed without velcro! Just put your thumb on the nail nick and open it like you would the knife!



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