It looks interesting, and I can certainly think of a time or two when it would come in handy even though I am not an electronics guy. Question though, is the pitch relative or does each frequency/note whatever mean a different temperature? I mean, does it simply establish as baseline tone for whatever it encounters first then go above and below to announce temperature variations, or is a sound wave of 520 hz (for example) always mean 23 degrees?As a nerd (not an electronics nerd, but general nerd) I think that it would be handy to mold a number of other functions into this- a bottle opener springs to mind as an absolute must, but I can also see that a small slot for torx heads or other small screwdriver bits could come in handy when working on electronics. I'm thinking something along the lines of this: have one like that and I use it all the time for disassembling knives and tools.The bottle opener wouldn't increase the cost by much, and I am not sure the screwdrivers would increase the cost by a lot either. Heck, for that matter, maybe you could throw in a small LED light as well, similar to a Photon? If you aren't familiar with the Photon (or it's more popular knockoff version, the Fauxton) you can see them here in Lynn's post, to the left of the Swiss Army Knife: maybe I'm asking too much now.... but I'd be more inclined to buy it if it had a few other functions.Def
I think that was where I'd originally started at- a bottle opener and a couple of other easily formed features.... but then I went a bit overboard. My bad. Given the shape of the housing, including a bottle opener would be a snap- simple extend a small lip from the lower part of the bend so that the bend itself can be used to pull a cap off. As we have seen from a million other bottle openers on other tools, a bottle opener doesn't have to be great, it just has to be functional enough.Def