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Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
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Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
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Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
December 15, 2016, 10:34:18 PM
I am looking for a Benchmade 162 preferably with the green handle and brown leather sheath. I am not picky so I'm open to the other colors and sheath options. I have lots of MTs I'd be happy to give up for the right knife.
PM me please and lets see if we can make it happen.
Thank you
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #1 on:
December 18, 2016, 05:22:16 PM
BUMP. If you've got one and are on the fence about keeping it PM me. Maybe you've got one just sitting around and you'd like to try something else, PM me.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #2 on:
March 10, 2017, 06:38:20 PM
Its been awhile. I'm still interested. PM even to test the waters.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #3 on:
April 23, 2017, 02:23:13 AM
Here are some items I am happy to trade. PM me for more pics and info. All tools have come to me previously owned. There are a few that are new and the others are in B to C shape. I know I need prices but I need to check recently sold items on fleabay. The Fuse has the old style locks and PAT PEND stamp. The G Shock is GW330A.
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Last Edit: April 23, 2017, 02:27:44 AM by Aloha007
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #4 on:
April 23, 2017, 07:09:47 AM
I forgot to post the OG Juice S2 as well as a few other items.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #5 on:
October 16, 2017, 06:19:23 PM
Been a while I posted this. In the mean time I've got some really great fixed blades. Figured I'd keep this open for kicks. All items I had for trade are gone however. I do have a new batch of items. Maybe you've got an idea of what you want?
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Just Bananas
Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #6 on:
October 26, 2017, 11:50:22 PM
Barry's looking for a JPST
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #7 on:
October 27, 2017, 05:51:00 AM
Quote from: SteveC on October 26, 2017, 11:50:22 PM
Barry's looking for a JPST
I've got JPSTs
Barry hit me up!!!!
Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 05:52:06 AM by Aloha007
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Just Bananas
Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #8 on:
October 27, 2017, 09:24:39 PM
I think he just got one on the bay
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #9 on:
October 27, 2017, 11:26:39 PM
Good for him.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #10 on:
September 28, 2020, 05:25:17 PM
Slight necro bump here..... Alhoa, did you ever end up getting a 162? The reason I ask is that they have really caught my eye, but with the price tag attached to them, I'd love to hear what others think of them before I pull the trigger.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #11 on:
September 28, 2020, 07:07:08 PM
Never picked one up
The price is up there so I was always hoping to trade. I have picked up some good fixed blades over time so I haven't bumped this thread.
If you are looking for a fun knife to fool around with on camp trips or for bush crafting fun I can highly rate Old Hickory. I did a mod on one to make it a Kephart style shape. Its a fun knife at a very affordable price. The thinner blade is a dream on wood and darn near all things outdoorsy. I wouldn't baton thru much other than kindling. It may not be the sexiest knife but for pure utility its fun. Lots of fun mods too and Old Hickory also made a sheath for one they sell.
I have also got very interested in the OG Moras. I have a couple red handled ones that are so dang fun to use that I've been enjoying these even over my nicer our door knives.
Now if I come upon a 162 I'll snap it up in a hurry
I was wanting a BK2 for the longest time and finally got one. Its a beast and not one I'd carry over other options but its fun as heck to play with. Just yesterday I de-limbed some branches and it was a breeze with the BK2. I also had a little hatchet but it was fun to whack the branch with the Becker.
Esse Quam Videri
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #12 on:
September 28, 2020, 08:14:36 PM
I LOVE the look of the BK2! I actually printed off a template for one today, and I'm going to try making one out of mild steel that I have home. I know it won't be useable, but my son and I are interested in playing with making knives, and well since I have the material, it won't cost me anything but time. If it goes somewhat well, I'll probably pick up some better material, something like 1084 so I can heat treat it.
Everytime I'm in Bass Pro, I look at the 162. I never hold it in my hand though, as I'm worried that I'll be leaving with one if I do
I've also been eyeing Grohmann knives. I've always really like the look of them, and the leather sheaths they come with. I really can't believe that I don't have one yet, especially since their shop is only around an hour from home.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #13 on:
September 28, 2020, 08:20:29 PM
Grohmann knives yes! While I do love modern knives I have a soft spot for the classics.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #14 on:
October 02, 2020, 12:26:00 PM
So I was at Bass Pro last night, and I held a 162... I didn't like it.
I have pretty big hands, and I found the handle created hot spots on my pinky finger, and with a tight grip, I found the whole thing uncomfortable. It was a beautiful knife that looked and felt like it could take lots of abuse though.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #15 on:
October 02, 2020, 03:38:39 PM
Glad you finally got one in hand. I'll have to do the same at some point. Bark River while pricey has some very nice offerings. I'd highly suggest getting one in hand. I've always loved the Aurora however never got a chance to hold one. They came out with a larger blade version, Aurora 2 but I still like the original in theory better.
At the 200 dollar US price there are some real competitors to the BM162 and dare I say better options. I'd still pick one up but thats because I don't mind one for the collection. My go to outdoor knife is a Landi
It has all the criteria for a good camp knife that I like. The handle is very comfortable and the O1 ( I believe its O1 ) steel is awesome.
Also take a look at some of Becker knives. I really love the look of the BK62. Comis has one a gives it good marks. There are a few others that tick a lot of boxes but I cannot recall their numbers.
I have a BK2 and while its awesome its a lot of knife. Heavy and thick. Its comfortable in hand and chops like a small hatchet. I can't fault the idea behind it but I'd go with my Landi for outdoors over it.
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #16 on:
October 02, 2020, 07:50:02 PM
Bark River does have some beautiful looking knives. I don't recall ever seeing any local though, so I'll have to see what I can find online. I've looked at the BK2 off and on before, and it does seem like a hell of a knife.
One of the reasons I was looking at the BM162 was the S30V blade. Now I know different companies heat treat differently, but I've beat the ever living snot out of the blade on my Charge TTi, and you'd never know it. If there's something that probably shouldn't be tried with a blade, that's the one I'll use.
Buck has a Cabela's edition of their Vanguard knife (I have a Vanguard, and LOVE it, but it's not a user for me, just a shelf queen) with an S30V blade, wood scales and a leather sheath, all of which are something I'd like to have. The only thing I don't like about it is the logo on the blade
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #17 on:
October 02, 2020, 10:55:18 PM
Just took a look at the Vanguard
. Its why I got the Contego, I wanted a S30V fixed. I'm carrying a LM Ti with 154CM and I use a LM TTI in S30V so yes I know what you mean about these LM blades. They take a beating.
Have you seen BM HUNT Series? Their CPM S30V Saddle Mountain Skinner looks pretty sweet. They've got a couple options for handles too. While it marketed as a skinner I think it could serve a few roles. You'd probably need to get one in hand but from the specs it looks pretty good.
Esse Quam Videri
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #18 on:
October 03, 2020, 08:55:05 PM
I didn't look at the BM Hunt series, until now.
We're headed back in to Bass Pro tomorrow, so I'll have a look to see what they have there. Thanks for the suggestions!!
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Re: Looking to trade for a Benchmade 162.
Reply #19 on:
October 03, 2020, 11:09:13 PM
Buck also has some new knives designed for the hunter. Interesting looking blades in S35V. Maybe one day.....
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