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Maglight AA upped in lumens????

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Maglight AA upped in lumens????
on: September 17, 2019, 11:12:53 PM
So the better half lost her AA Maglight and being the dutiful hubby I am, I drive to Home Depot and buy her another one

First thing I notice is, the lumin rating on the package is now up to 332 vs the old LED AA mag lights at 272 Lumins. Sooooo, when did this happen.

I don't buy a Maglight too often, mini is about 10 years old and going great. My better haps was about 5 to 6 years old. At 272 Lumens it was more than enough for a walking the dog at night light, or a Glove box light for finding those things that drop down between the seat and center console. Not that I'm complaining, as the run time on the package seems the same.

Anyone else notice the new Maglights seem to be more powerful?
Don't get too serious, just enough will do.

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Re: Maglight AA upped in lumens????
Reply #1 on: September 18, 2019, 04:42:32 PM
I got the led Minimag when it first came out, for nostalgic reason, but didn't really have the need to upgrade it ever since.

I always think how it can be literally used as a candle is a neat idea, and I bet it is even better to use nowadays with a brighter led.

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Re: Maglight AA upped in lumens????
Reply #2 on: October 29, 2019, 01:18:28 AM
I don't know when they upgraded it... probably installed a more efficient, more modern emitter. 

I have an incan AA maglite, the AA LED maglite, and AAA maglite LED.  If anything, the newer ones are too much.  It'd be nice to have a low mode, which I understand the "Pro" models of these may have.  I could look it up, biut it doesn't matter as I have them mostly as modern upgrades for my dad's old flashlight, for nostalgia. 

If nothing else, they are durable! 



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