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Police Need Multi Tool Training

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us Offline rdub934

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #120 on: January 23, 2017, 04:11:54 AM
Duly noted :salute:

"I wanna introduce you to a very personal friend of mine. This is an M41A pulse rifle. Ten millimeter with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher." - Cpl Hicks

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #121 on: January 23, 2017, 01:23:24 PM
he has a history of doing that....  ::)

Unfortunately he wasn't brave enough to have called my boss at the time- he would have really enjoyed that!   >:D

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #122 on: February 14, 2017, 01:30:50 AM
Some don't even have time to do proper firearms/batons/gear use training/security/maintenance.

Not personal experience but that's what I hear from friends in different law enforcement branches(?).

Yes as a Retired Police Officer I will tell you that other than the recert one time a year most Police Officers don't even touch their firearm other than resting your hand on it LOL, I always thought that we should get more training but Departments don't like shelling out money for training or ammo with the prices that ammo is these day's....

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #123 on: March 04, 2017, 12:11:24 AM
Some don't even have time to do proper firearms/batons/gear use training/security/maintenance.

Not personal experience but that's what I hear from friends in different law enforcement branches(?).

Yes as a Retired Police Officer I will tell you that other than the recert one time a year most Police Officers don't even touch their firearm other than resting your hand on it LOL, I always thought that we should get more training but Departments don't like shelling out money for training or ammo with the prices that ammo is these day's....

Silly budgets....

I suppose that is what it all comes down to though-police could/should get more training in a lot of things, but there's just no one willing to pay for it, and even if there was, teaching them how to use a pair of pliers is probably way down the priority list!

Leave the dents as they are- let your belongings show their scars as proudly as you do yours.

ie Offline Don Pablo

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #124 on: March 04, 2017, 12:24:45 AM
Some don't even have time to do proper firearms/batons/gear use training/security/maintenance.

Not personal experience but that's what I hear from friends in different law enforcement branches(?).

Yes as a Retired Police Officer I will tell you that other than the recert one time a year most Police Officers don't even touch their firearm other than resting your hand on it LOL, I always thought that we should get more training but Departments don't like shelling out money for training or ammo with the prices that ammo is these day's....

Silly budgets....

I suppose that is what it all comes down to though-police could/should get more training in a lot of things, but there's just no one willing to pay for it, and even if there was, teaching them how to use a pair of pliers is probably way down the priority list!

I definitely agree with grant.  :ahhh  :ahhh :ahhh
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za Offline Humayd A R Mahomedy

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #125 on: June 19, 2019, 06:30:08 PM
I am talking all officers world-wide. They can get partly the same training and education, and partly training that is tuned into their specific region and function. Officers in for example bush-land in South Africa, have partly different needs and challenges than officers in the business district of London.

interesting anology,and,since i'm from South Africa,i can offer some insight into some equipment and training.
there is practically zero budget for multi tool training and purchases,except by private purchase,in the South African Police Services.
i worked as a police reservist for a few years,and in that time,i saw only 1 officer carrying a multi tool on duty.
the majority of policepersons in South Africa do not carry additional,except issue gear [sidearm,cuffs,etc].
knives are not issued to regular SAPS officers.
1 of my friends is the unit commander for the local police search and rescue unit,he carries a Vic rescue tool,and Vic Swisstool.
he is the exception though,since he has devoted much of his life to training,at his own expense.
i will ask him the next time i see him,if others in the unit carry multitools.

ps we aren't "bushland".

pps sent via carrier pigeon 

scotland Offline Sea Monster

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #126 on: June 22, 2019, 12:21:07 AM
I remember these threads. They were a hoot.

ca Offline Chako

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #127 on: July 04, 2019, 01:17:04 AM
Yes...I was quite proud of myself for not jumping in...that is until I did.  :rofl:
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spam Offline Happy Gilmore

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Re: Police Need Multi Tool Training
Reply #128 on: August 01, 2019, 04:28:37 AM
How do you have Multi-tool training without establishing a single issued tool for everyone to use? From what I can see there is no agreement on what that should even be.

From what I can tell the ideal tool for Police and Military doesn’t exist.



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