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Basic Sea Turtle rescue kit for beach walkers

il Offline israelpiper

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Basic Sea Turtle rescue kit for beach walkers
on: November 12, 2019, 03:19:13 PM

A single tool or multitool or Swiss Army model has one problem: Often you need a tool in each hand. A pliers in one, and a Marlin spike, or perhaps a knife, in the other. Thus this kit was born. Lots of potentially great combinations. The primary need is usually to cut the neck or limbs free of painful, often strangulating plastic or wire. Why no wire cutter? Well, could be a slender, strong cutter that would be perfect. There is not often enough space to get a wire cutter between animal flesh and metal. A super slender but strong cutter would be good. Sometimes I switch out with a LM Skeletool CX, or a SOG Pocket Power Pliers.

us Offline uwu

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Re: Basic Sea Turtle rescue kit for beach walkers
Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 02:42:00 AM
(Image removed from quote.)

A single tool or multitool or Swiss Army model has one problem: Often you need a tool in each hand. A pliers in one, and a Marlin spike, or perhaps a knife, in the other. Thus this kit was born. Lots of potentially great combinations. The primary need is usually to cut the neck or limbs free of painful, often strangulating plastic or wire. Why no wire cutter? Well, could be a slender, strong cutter that would be perfect. There is not often enough space to get a wire cutter between animal flesh and metal. A super slender but strong cutter would be good. Sometimes I switch out with a LM Skeletool CX, or a SOG Pocket Power Pliers.

"It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool."

us Offline SteveC

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Re: Basic Sea Turtle rescue kit for beach walkers
Reply #2 on: January 13, 2020, 02:02:05 PM
 :iagree: :hatsoff:

ie Offline McStitchy

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Re: Basic Sea Turtle rescue kit for beach walkers
Reply #3 on: February 14, 2020, 08:53:44 AM
What a great idea israelpiper  :like:
I guess the marlin spike could be helpful getting under the string, then grabbing it with the needle-nose pliers. The sheep-foot blade on the other hand is a safe cutter having no protruding spikey tip.



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