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Compilation of threads with useful info for bladeless SAK mods + related talk!

ie Offline Don Pablo

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What can I say? I love bladeless mods and I though that this would be handy for anyone making bladeless mods   :cheers:
Feel very free to suggest linking threads that I've missed.  :ahhh

In no particular order.
Bladeless SAKs
In which Kirky asks about bladeless mods in general. Doesn't really go anywhere.  :angel:

'Bare Necessities' SAK mod - modder needed
Useful spring thickness numbers and discussion here.  :tu:

My Attempt at 91mm Bladeless (Hacker Badge Request)
Jaya_man shows you one way to make a bladeless SAK with metal file.  8)
If the wood saw is similar enough, you could substitute it.

First mod done. I present..
According to Mr. Whippy, its possible to just swap the main blade for the metal file(and wood saw maybe?) with adjustments using spacers.  :drool:
No pics unfortunately, photobucket ate them.  :(
This mod has the small blade, but since the combo tool is a drop in replacement for the small blade, this mod should work with the combo tool!  :drool: :drool:

SAK mod idea:The Pacifist
In which Kirky asks about a specific configuration. It has a poll!

Bladeless Explorer?
Yours truly asks how to make a bladeless Explorer. It has links to other threads!  :D

Edits will probably be inevitable.
Hooked, like everyone else. ;)

All hail the hook!

id Offline jaya_man

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Thanks for the compilation Pablo :cheers: :SAKnight:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

us Offline tommywp

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This is really interesting. Didn't think putting a small blade/inline awl opposite the saw/file was possible.

Whippy  and Raukodur - If you read this and it's not too much trouble, could you post pics of these mods with close ups of the file layer and an update on how they've held up.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 02:54:27 PM by tommywp »

ie Offline Don Pablo

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Thanks!  :cheers:

This is really interesting. Didn't think putting a small blade/inline awl opposite the saw/file was possible.

Whippy  and Raukodur - If you read this and it's not too much trouble, could you post pics of these mods with close ups of the file layer and an update on how they've held up.

Mr. Whippy is not online much nowadays. Maybe I can PM?  :think:
If you wait a few weeks, I can try this out myself, and I will post lots of pics. :D
Hooked, like everyone else. ;)

All hail the hook!

us Offline tommywp

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Thanks Pablo. Really excited about this possibility. Would love to hear any other modder's opinions re how good/tricky the file and small blade/inline awl layer is.

ie Offline Don Pablo

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New style main blade is 2mm, saw/file is 1.8mm. So in addition to the liner stamp, I also need a 0.2mm washer for it to be perfect.  :think: I can glue a washer made from 0.4mm brass sheet on to a block of wood and sand it down, should be close enough.  :tu:
You would have to be careful every single time you close it, to avoid catching the saw/file on the small blade or the next liner. You'd also want to grind a suitable rest on the small blade spacer, and possibly a little bit of the liner next to it.
Hooked, like everyone else. ;)

All hail the hook!

ie Offline Don Pablo

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Possibly an even better option would be a fish scaler instead.  :whistle:
Its 1.55mm thick, so you need a 0.35mm washer, and 0.4mm should be close enough, so no sanding.  :tu:
And it would line up nicely with the small blade spacer, so its more... Elegant.
The only work you would have to do is grind/file a rest on the small blade spacer.

Of course, this assumes that you want a fish scaler in the first place.  :whistle:
Hooked, like everyone else. ;)

All hail the hook!

ie Offline Don Pablo

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Well, I've been playing around.  :D,9998.0.html
Scroll down.
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All hail the hook!

ie Offline Don Pablo

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A sticky?  :o :ahhh :cheers:

....Now no one is going to read it.  ::) :P
Hooked, like everyone else. ;)

All hail the hook!

ie Offline Don Pablo

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Another link, someone may find it useful:,72410.0
Hooked, like everyone else. ;)

All hail the hook!

Offline ComboTool

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Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere, but do you know where one can find 91mm back scales without the corkscrew/Phillips cutout? I'm planning a bladeless mod (completely removing the blade layer, not by putting another tool in the blade slot) so the cutout would look weird.

ie Offline Don Pablo

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Unfortunately the 91mm line has not been made with any models that have no corkscrew cut-out. :(
Only the mini 84mm line and 93mm alox line have variations with no cutouts. (Or no cutouts at all, in the case of the 93mm alox line.)

You can make custom wood/metal scales for the 91mm line though.  :tu:
Hooked, like everyone else. ;)

All hail the hook!

se Offline Fortytwo

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I believe the scales to be symmetrical so two front scales might be a workaround if you are really intent on going for the red cellidor look. They wouldn't fit to the bushings and would require some drilling to make room for the bushings and then they would still need to be glued in place. But it should be possible...  :-\

gb Offline andywork

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Hi Don Pablo,

I’m still cutting my teeth on this forum (pun intended), but I thought this link might be a good addition to your list:,76301.0.html

I especially like multi-tool blade swaps, and the SAK’s blade layer delete mods. Ingenious!  :tu:

Offline CustomKnifeMods

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Made with spares, no bushings so riveted then epoxied on the scales and back screwdriver had to be filed 1mm to sit flush. Sharpened edges on the can opener so good enough for boxes, and nice to keep on me and not have to worry about losing it. :think:
20210909_174851 (Large).jpg
* 20210909_174851 (Large).jpg (Filesize: 162.03 KB)

ie Offline Don Pablo

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Hi Don Pablo,

I’m still cutting my teeth on this forum (pun intended), but I thought this link might be a good addition to your list:,76301.0.html

I especially like multi-tool blade swaps, and the SAK’s blade layer delete mods. Ingenious!  :tu:
Always good to see pics of what's possible! :cheers:

Made with spares, no bushings so riveted then epoxied on the scales and back screwdriver had to be filed 1mm to sit flush. Sharpened edges on the can opener so good enough for boxes, and nice to keep on me and not have to worry about losing it. :think:
Nice minimalist SAK. :2tu: I like the idea of using a sharpened can opener on boxes, it's more controlled than a box cutter!
Hooked, like everyone else. ;)

All hail the hook!

gb Offline andywork

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Here’s another great mod, of an Explorer-like design:

It looks so cool 8)



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