As a fan of old (and modern) axes, I figured it's time to get the axe badge.
I have quite a few axes, from sheath knife sized stamped steel axes small and light enough to fit in my pocket all the way up to 8 lb or more mauls. My main user nowadays is the Estwing 14A, which cost $35, a bit more than I wanted to spend, but I wanted something that I wouldn't have to worry about the head slipping off, and anyway, buying handles for all the axes that needed them (most I picked up on an adjoining property we leased at the time, and many of those had been left outside) would cost more than that, so I went with the Estwing, and secondly it already had a sheath wtih a belt loop, buying leather sheaths for the axes I have would probably cost $100 or more . I used it for small stuff here and there, before chipping the edge on a pallet nail but its first real use was today, clearing, and chopping up a peach tree limb that had been broke by a bear (which wouldn't be a problem if the state would quit dumping problem bears from the states parks here). By the time I got my phone, I'd already removed the limb from the yard.
I started out with two axes, a Kelly Works (later to be known as True Temper) Woodslasher, Sully Works (while Kelly was based in Charleston, WV they had an additional foundry in IA)oddity that appears to be a boy's axe head which was mated to a camp axe handle and the Estwing. The Kelly needed extra sharpening, so I didn't use it.
IMG_2017-07-30_15-22-21 by
cody6268, on Flickr
And finally, with the help of a size 9 Muck Boot.
IMG_2017-07-30_15-31-55 by
cody6268, on Flickr