Also, it should be noted, that I think I will start using 'birch' as an insult now.
Years ago, I was moving a piece of furnature with my then-brother-in-law."Let me borrow your knife" Sez he.Lynn, kind, trusting, helpful as always, hands over fairly expensive Spyderco Delica.Then-brother-in-law proceeds to use it as a smurfing prybar, snaps off the tip, gives a shrug, hands it back.Lynn thinking... 'Never again'.Years later, visiting new mother-in-law in hospital. Doctor comes in to look at her, reaches for her pen light to check pupils, can't find her light. Lynn offers her Preon P1, watches that doctor like a mothersmurfing HAWK. Doctor looks all weird, says something about being paranoid.Lynn thinking... 'Birch, YOU are the medical professional without the proper tools, and that is a $40 flashlight.'Also, it should be noted, that I think I will start using 'birch' as an insult now.