How much are we missing? I can't make sense of that page and table...We should advertise this thread in the subforums!? I usually only look at the Swiss Army Knights section and I'm sure other do too...
If everyone who enjoys and uses the forum everyday would donate a couple dollars a month we would be in fine shape every month. It cost that much or more for a cup of coffee at a coffee shop for crying out loud. We've got it pretty good here, some forums only give privileges like an avatar pic. private messaging etc. unless you become a paying member. As a bonus here you even get a chance to win a cool tool every month for a donation.Come on peeps give a little for the cause
One of the problems may be that the Paypal link on the donation page now leads to the basic Paypal login page, not to a dedicated payment with pre-filled amount, beneficiary etc. so quite a bit of investigation is needed before one can actually effect a payment. This is the status as of today with me. I'm not sure who else is affected and since when this is the case.
How much are we short boss ?
We only need $40 to make the goal
It would be a pity, not to mention faintly ridiculous and embarrassing, if we couldn't make this...
I just added it up and got $296... but I am incompetent...
Looks like Etherealicer took me up on the challenge. I ponied up the matching funds. Did we make it?