(Image removed from quote.)Here are my first impressions:First, this tool was obscenely expensive - $230 (before tax)! For the same price, I could have purchased a Leatherman Surge with a pocket clip, a full bitkit set (sets #1 and #2), a ratchet driver, a replacement wire cutter kit, an extra saw and file, and still had enough left over for lunch. Yes, it’s nice, but it’s not any nicer than my Charge or my Surge (or several others). Still, I’m glad I bought it. Since my Sprit X has very tight tools, my top concern before the MXBS arrived was how tight the tools would be, especially the one-hand opening blade… and the MXBS didn’t disappoint to disappoint. This thing seriously has the tightest tools of any of my multitools, which I assume is partly due to the black oxide coating. I actually bent my fingernail tip back while trying to pull out the scissors. The one-hand opening blade is tight too, but I am able to open it easily enough. The second one-hand opening blade (the belt cutter) is a very cool blade, but it’s on the wrong side of the tool. Unless you’re a lefty, you can’t open it one handed. That was a weird design decision in my opinion. On size and weight, it’s about the same size as my Surge, but it’s thinner than both my Charge and my Surge. Its weight falls somewhere between a Charge and a Surge. I frequently pocket carry my tools, so I think the size and weight of the MXBS is outstanding for a large multitool. Another outstanding feature is the scissors. I am unimpressed with most multitool scissors – off the top of my head, I think the Surge, Micra, and medium-sized SAK scissors are the only ones I really like. This MXBS has full-sized SAK scissors – not the weird stubby ones like the Spirit X. Very, very nice! Finally, I don’t know if you can tell by the pics, but the black oxide coating has a bit of a mottled look. I tried wiping it down, and I also tried a little dry lubricant, but I couldn’t make the mottled look go away. Personally, I don’t get BO for the look, but I am sure that anyone that wants their multitool to look pretty might be annoyed by it.Overall, I would say the MXBS would be an outstanding, albeit expensive, multitool if it didn’t have such ridiculously tight tools. I was planning on giving it a 30-day EDC test, but I don’t think I will now because my fingernails are not made of steel. I put it in front of my computer so I can use it as a fidget toy during meetings – hopefully that will help break in the tools a little.Anyway, I hope this helps someone. For size comparison, here are a couple pics of it next to a Charge.(Image removed from quote.)(Image removed from quote.)
So it is the size of a Swiss Tool then. Hmm. And the mottled BO, eww, yuk. Those tool parts look horrible. Personally I would contact Victorinox with the photos of the tool parts spread out and ask why is the BO not more uniform, especially for the premium price. Might mention that your Leatherman tools do not look that bad even after 10 years of use. Is good to see that a nylon sheath comes with this pocket monster. Wonder if anyone is designing a more robust leather sheath for them yet?
So it is the size of a Swiss Tool then. Hmm. And the mottled BO, eww, yuk. Those tool parts look horrible. Personally I would contact Victorinox with the photos of the tool parts spread out and ask why is the BO not more uniform, especially for the premium price. Might mention that your Leatherman tools do not look that bad even after 10 years of use.
Yeah, I was definitely surprised how bad it looks, but at least the BO covers everything. I am more upset how difficult it is to pull out a tool (the scissors and the Philips head are the worst)!
Have you tried working some oil into the joints?
They were already oiled pretty well out of the box, but I could try more.
They should fit in the existing sheaths for that series, might have to use plus sheathes, but some should work
Bit the bullet and ordered a SwissTool (MXBS) Just so the Spirit wasn't awl alone (£205 GBP )https://www.victorinox.com/uk/en/Products/Swiss-Army-Knives/Swiss-Tools/Swiss-Tool-MXBS/p/3.0326.M3N
As per our drunken agreement I'll make sure it gets to you after thorough quality assurance
I agreed to nothing and, if I was drunk, you were just taking advantage of me and should be ashamed Seriously though; £205 of our British Pounds (or just over the price of a whole sheep*) is not cheap!!! Hope awls good in the north of Welsh-land * I suspect the sheep would get stuck in the letterbox
I have no shame It is a lot of money for a tool! Though, with inflation and cost of living as it is, it's quickly becoming cheaper to just rent the sheep by the night. Not bad, tangling with the process of becoming a sole trader, all a bit daunting I hope that Waitrose is keeping the wife and yourself in luxury potatoes and Italian-style wine *The notion that you wouldn't have a dedicated sheep recepticle is just ludicrous
The "no shame" part is a given (based upon prior knowledge) )A lot of money would be an understatement to say the least I was unaware that "sheep rental" was an option (hourly rates?) As for a "receptacle" you under estimate me Sir! I awlways have an opening Waitrose is, well, Waitrose and I often see Boris in there (he's acutally my MP)Sole trader in what? I may buy some s**t from you
I wouldn't say talking to you was bad enough to be shameful, be easier on yourself Eventually, I'll grab a spirit (my first), it should be more pocketable than the beastly Swisstool Which of course I have to get a clip for too, because it'll feel left out I prefer pay-by-the-bah Didn't know they let you use a suitcase as a shopping basket in Waitrose I'm a freelance writer, I primarily write (and run paid games) for Dungeons and Dragons
Nice work, SurgeUK! We’ve all been there….
Anyone have any pics of mix matched clips? such as BO MXBS with a silver clip?Just got my MXBS and not really a fan of the coating after seeing how it wears online. I swear people were saying the burnished steel wasn't a coating, rather a blackened steel, but really it's just another black oxide smh. Eitherway, does Anyone prefer BO over silver?