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Matching numbers

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Matching numbers
on: February 25, 2007, 02:44:12 PM
I decided to have a look at the LM models I had handy and see how many had matching numbers.  The results were kind of interesting:

SuperTool 200- 1001, 1101
Original SuperTool- 0401, 0401
Crunch-0200, 0200
Core- 0505, 0505
Blast- 8-06, 8-06
Fuse- 0506, 0506
Surge- 0505, 0505
PST II- 0699, 0699
Kf4- 1001, 1001
MiniTool 02-0595, 0695
MiniTool 01- 0100, 0100
Squirt P4- 0504, 0504
Squirt E4- 0203, 0203

As you can see that most of them had matching numbers, and the ones that didn't were only a month apart, so no big deal there as they were probably assembled either at the end of one month or the beginning of the next.

What I thought was interesting was that most of them used a MMYY system, except the Blasy which used a M-YY format.  What was even more interesting was that the Fuse, part of the same series, uses the MMYY format.  Does anyone else have any like this, or is it some kind of oddball?

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Re: Matching numbers
Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 07:33:21 PM
Hi Def,

Two of my Blasts have the MMYY syste and one has the MYY system.  They are as follows:

Blast SS - No CC - 0704
Blast BO - No CC - 0904 & 1104
Blast BO - CC - 405

Does anyone have an 2006 Blast and if so, what numbering system was used?

Best - Joe

us Offline J-sews

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Re: Matching numbers
Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 02:05:55 AM
Strangely, the majority of my Leatherman tools do NOT have matching dates in both handles. (Although like Def said, they are usually only a month or two different.)

The only 2006 vintage Leatherman I have is the Vista pruning tool. Both handles are identically stamped 0406.

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