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Ornisi Crane

Vidar · 14 · 3286

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Ornisi Crane
on: July 07, 2020, 02:37:02 AM
Sometime back in the day, or years actually, I signed up for this foldable scalpel thing on Kickstarter. I got it a week or two ago, but I've been too busy to really look at it before now.

The team behind this one really got taken for a ride if I remember correctly: The company they had contacted to do the manufacturing basically decided to just take the design and manufacture and sell themselves instead. Thus, one could see the early version of this product for sale online from a copycat long before the actual team had even finished the final design.

Now the real version is finally here. I like to think the finished designed is improved. And certainly kudos to the team for adapting and overcoming.

So a few pictures:

The first two is in the packaging. The third one is unfolded. They also included two extra scalpel blades. That is a nice touch as they didn't need to do it - I think it shows some care for the actual users.
Crane IMG_9846.jpg
* Crane IMG_9846.jpg (Filesize: 153.91 KB)
Crane IMG_9848.jpg
* Crane IMG_9848.jpg (Filesize: 163 KB)
Crane IMG_9851.jpg
* Crane IMG_9851.jpg (Filesize: 131.03 KB)
"Simple is hard"
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(Partial disclosure: I design tools for a living).

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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #1 on: July 07, 2020, 02:44:19 AM
Two more pictures:

First one shows the scale and how tiny it actually is.

Second one shows it folded up. Now that is truly pocket sized. Together with my screwdriver it is a nice tiny pocket carry.

I haven't gotten around to use it properly yet, but the spring is reassuring both open and closed. Yet easy to open and close. So I think they hit that part.

From the little use I've done so far I notice I want to stick my thumb on the backside of the blade when holding it. Likely to do with the length. Either way, that being the case, I think I would have prefered this blade to be locking. We'll see - I'll put in in my pocket and use it for a while and maybe I change my mind about that. Or learn to place my thumb better.

I would say it is a nice product, and it seems to do what they said it would do. Quite a few products fall short of that, so it is a positive surprise so far!  :cheers:
Crane IMG_9855.jpg
* Crane IMG_9855.jpg (Filesize: 132.26 KB)
Crane IMG_9856.jpg
* Crane IMG_9856.jpg (Filesize: 123.82 KB)
"Simple is hard"
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(Partial disclosure: I design tools for a living).

tr Offline ddogu

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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #2 on: July 07, 2020, 09:38:51 AM
what is the screwdriver? looks interesting

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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #3 on: July 07, 2020, 11:32:19 AM
That is my little compact 4 head driver experiment. The driver heads all lock in positions centered on the tool axis when open. It works pretty much as a stubby driver, but with the back at the root of your middle finger instead of your palm.

It is quite nice if I might say so, but also unlikely to be commercially viable as it was more a design experiment than a design with normal commercial considerations. You can check out the thread in the R&D section for the story of that one.
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pt Offline pfrsantos

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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #4 on: July 07, 2020, 01:54:07 PM
Didn't know about that story. I hope they managed to sue that manufacturer!

 :twak: :twak:

Saw this on HH. Looked very interesting. Thanks for the review, Vidar.

 :salute: :tu:

Have you tried contacting some companies, to see if they're interested in your driver? Or even go into KS yourself? Just take care to register the design first!

 :pok: :pok:
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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #5 on: July 07, 2020, 02:23:38 PM
Didn't know about that story. I hope they managed to sue that manufacturer!

Suing is quite expensive in itself, and suing as a foreign company in China is likely just major futile expenses and lost time and resources? Sadly many lowlife companies are aware of this and exploits it. Of course most companies in China are actually serious, and I also know similar cases involving big European companies. It seems like a bit of a lottery without proper references up front?

This is one the areas where one can really benefit from having a big company or investment fund backing a project. Simply less likely to get exploited as the other party knows there are resources and willingness to hit back. (Big companies don't want to set a presedence for willingly getting exploited).

Have you tried contacting some companies, to see if they're interested in your driver? Or even go into KS yourself? Just take care to register the design first!

I am working on a line of compact hand tools, but this is unlikely to be a part of that range. It is just too expensive, and the steel used doesn't harden all the way to official ISO standard hardness for screwdrivers. (Although it is certainly a lot harder than say titanium). Maybe in the future if costs comes down and there is a harder material available. Or maybe making a select few for anyone who truly value small stuff like that? Anyway, not a priority right now - focus is on the commercial work.

It was more a fun project - what can one do if one hasn't have to consider normal design limitations regarding manufacture, assembly and cost? I guess a practice almost like these avant garde things they do in fashion? Explore for the sake of exploring :) (And I did pick up some new things which might be interesting elsewhere. The locking mechanism on that thing is very compact and interesting).
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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #6 on: July 07, 2020, 05:19:34 PM
That tiny scalpel would be great in a first aid kit.  Heck its size would make it easy to bring along in a lot of situations. 
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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #7 on: July 07, 2020, 11:22:15 PM
That tiny scalpel would be great in a first aid kit.  Heck its size would make it easy to bring along in a lot of situations.

It is certainly easy to bring along. Tiny size and the weight is next to nothing with its slim titanium body. It is growing on me.
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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #8 on: July 09, 2020, 10:47:08 AM
I've lost it.

The wife, who works in health care, decided it was way too sharp for me and decided to confiscate this scalpel for my own safety. She has ever since been observed cutting all kinds of stuff with it. To make sure it stays confiscated she keeps it her pocket at all times.

I think I've been tricked here. :think:
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(Partial disclosure: I design tools for a living).

pt Offline pfrsantos

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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #9 on: July 09, 2020, 12:30:07 PM
I've lost it.

The wife, who works in health care, decided it was way too sharp for me and decided to confiscate this scalpel for my own safety. She has ever since been observed cutting all kinds of stuff with it. To make sure it stays confiscated she keeps it her pocket at all times.

I think I've been tricked here. :think:

It is just a matter of time before they add the word “Syndrome” after my last name.


I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

Eff the ineffable, scrut the inscrutable.


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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #10 on: July 10, 2020, 12:24:10 AM
Vidar...that is a quite common issue. I can recall so many one piece tools that went up on kick-starter, and before they could get the item rolled out, a Chinese factory was producing clones of the design before the real item could come out. I know for a fact based on this phenomena that they would search Kick-starters for ideas and out right steal them.

Looks like a neat little item. Would have come in handy during my University days doing dissections if it can also hold a #10 or #20 blade.  :tu:
« Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 12:30:34 AM by Chako »
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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #11 on: July 10, 2020, 02:39:39 AM
Vidar...that is a quite common issue. I can recall so many one piece tools that went up on kick-starter, and before they could get the item rolled out, a Chinese factory was producing clones of the design before the real item could come out. I know for a fact based on this phenomena that they would search Kick-starters for ideas and out right steal them.

Looks like a neat little item. Would have come in handy during my University days doing dissections if it can also hold a #10 or #20 blade.  :tu:

Most times copycats wait until a product is proven a success before bothering. With Kickstarter and the like enough buyers will prove both a market and a price point so no need to wait - and sometimes they even get handed the design from the creators. Worst of all they can get first to market as many Kickstarters are fairly low funded first time product developers that need time to sort it out. (If ever at all).

I'd tell you the size if I could get my hands on it. What I can say is that it is a standard blade - I've seen enough scalpels to know that.
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us Offline getahl

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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #12 on: July 26, 2020, 04:03:09 PM
I picked one up to try out, based on this thread. I'm always on the look out for small blade holders, and this hit the sweet spot of gadgety, small and light,  and inexpensive (22 USD on Amazon, although I've seen cheaper elsewhere). It came in the mail yesterday, about a week ahead if schedule. Initial impressions are positive.

Haven't cut anything with it yet, but it'll be one of those knives you choke up on. I usually end up holding my Classic by the blade when I use it, and I expect I'll do the same with this thing. I expect it to cut like a scalpel (nyuk nyuk).

I don't have a kitchen scale, but it can't be more than 1.0 to 1.5 ounces. It's a featherweight device, maybe about as long as a Classic, and only as thick as the tool layer and one of the scales together. And it snaps in place similar to how the Utilikey opens up, maybe a little more secure.

I like it, so far. It ticks a couple boxes in my psyche, but haven't used it yet, at all. If it turns out to be useful, it'll go in my zippered wallet for carry. Otherwise, I'll throw it in a tool box somewhere, only to rediscover it eons from now.

ETA, the package said #11 blades. Not sure if others will fit.

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Re: Ornisi Crane
Reply #13 on: August 19, 2021, 06:18:52 PM
Just had one of these little knives turn up, handy little thing. Decided to google it after reading this thread I've been looking at similar things for a couple of reasons.

Was wondering if it might fit in place of the scissors on my Style PS, it's small enough and the pivot size is the same, although it has a flat in the pivot hole and on the pivot that lock together. The problem seems to be it's that small it dosn't have enough material to engage with the sprung metal back to lock up in use. Will probably just go back to my idea of grinding down a swan morton no.3 handle instead.

At least that means I keep the Crane in one piece.



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