Didn't know about that story. I hope they managed to sue that manufacturer!
Have you tried contacting some companies, to see if they're interested in your driver? Or even go into KS yourself? Just take care to register the design first!
That tiny scalpel would be great in a first aid kit. Heck its size would make it easy to bring along in a lot of situations.
I've lost it. The wife, who works in health care, decided it was way too sharp for me and decided to confiscate this scalpel for my own safety. She has ever since been observed cutting all kinds of stuff with it. To make sure it stays confiscated she keeps it her pocket at all times. I think I've been tricked here.
Vidar...that is a quite common issue. I can recall so many one piece tools that went up on kick-starter, and before they could get the item rolled out, a Chinese factory was producing clones of the design before the real item could come out. I know for a fact based on this phenomena that they would search Kick-starters for ideas and out right steal them.Looks like a neat little item. Would have come in handy during my University days doing dissections if it can also hold a #10 or #20 blade.