I know this has been touched on before, but to add my twopenneth.....
I was wondering about multitools as rescue knives, specifically I was cogitating on the SwissTool rescue version, which seems to have become a bit scarce lately. I rather like rescue knives and have had several rattling abound in draws (not my personal ones the cupboard draws you understand) and have not, to this day, had recourse to use one. I have been on scene at a serious accident in the past few years when I was an active rescue participant for a vehicle crash that literally happened on the next carriageway of the motorway (car on oncoming carriageway flipped over on to our carriageway). But at no point during the procedure did I need to return to my vehicle to grab a rescue knife.
So I have been wondering about this, might it be better, for the most part, to simply have something like a Wave or SwissTool around to fulfil the rescue role, but also as a general every day tool?
I realise that, for example, a sailor/kayaker might prefer a tailored rescue knife for ease of handling in the water etc, but on dry land is there such a need?
Anyhow I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this