Clearly a clash between the standard ParaTool’s “Utility” vs. the “Beauty” that Yellowhorse added with overlays of Ironwood, Turquoise, black jet, coral, sugilite, and sterling silver. Have you ever wondered “Why” though? Out of all of the SOG products, why was the ParaTool chosen? Why wasn’t a fixed blade or folder picked for the Yellowhorse treatment? Personally, I sensed that Spencer Frazer was very proud of the overall success of the ParaTool and felt it deserved recognition. In 2019 during a visit at SOG, Spencer showed me the wooden mock-up of the ParaTool that he used to show engineers it’s unique design and functionality. In 1995 only 250 were offered with a walnut presentation box, which makes them extremely difficult to find today. Regardless, was Spencer genius or not to be the only one to give a multitool this special treatment? Thx for reading this post and I appreciate your response. Jay