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Leatherman on Agents of Shield!

tr Offline ddogu

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Leatherman on Agents of Shield!
on: May 21, 2018, 09:07:16 AM
In the last episode (and the season finale) of the TV show Agents of Shield three Leatherman tools have been shown! I forgot to take a screen shot but on one screen there were two Waves side by side, if I'm not mistaken, and then one one scene Simmons took another Wave in her hand with the number 17 etched on it. That one had been shown before multiple episodes ago.  :multi: :like:

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Re: Leatherman on Agents of Shield!
Reply #2 on: May 27, 2018, 11:24:48 AM
It is only 2 of the same model, both with 17 engraved

No.1 Fitz's current one and No2. is its future worn-in version. When they changed the future it may be assumed (not confirmed) one character blinked out of existance leaving only the current version LM on the table and all his junk gone from the room. This is the tool Simmons picks up.
There are pics in the other thread.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 11:26:45 AM by Noa Isumi »
I used to be a lot of things, and someday will again.
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tr Offline ddogu

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Re: Leatherman on Agents of Shield!
Reply #3 on: May 30, 2018, 01:09:35 PM
It is only 2 of the same model, both with 17 engraved

No.1 Fitz's current one and No2. is its future worn-in version. When they changed the future it may be assumed (not confirmed) one character blinked out of existance leaving only the current version LM on the table and all his junk gone from the room. This is the tool Simmons picks up.
There are pics in the other thread.

I'm talking about a much later episode where they visit Deke's future room. There, one tool is in Simmon's hand and there are two lying on a box?  :think: :think:

us Offline Noa Isumi

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Re: Leatherman on Agents of Shield!
Reply #4 on: May 31, 2018, 02:18:31 AM
So am I
It is the same 2 tools bieng used to show the future changed
When Daisy visits Deke and the room is full of junk do you see both the shiny and worn one sitting on the box, but at the end when Simmons visits the  room only the shiny one is on the box.

Since Deke was planning on leaving we don't know if he cleaned out his room and left Fitz's tool behind while taking his version, or if by changing the future Deke blinked out of existence along with his tool and all the junk he collected.

The thing I don't get is for a tech guy how in the world could Fitz stand to be without his multi-tool??

They left that one for us to guess. Which is understandable since the show was supposed to end this season but they have decided to give it one more to wrap up.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 02:30:10 AM by Noa Isumi »
I used to be a lot of things, and someday will again.
But for now I'm just a lost jack of trades with neither mastery nor home. ~NoaIsumi

tr Offline ddogu

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Re: Leatherman on Agents of Shield!
Reply #5 on: June 01, 2018, 09:44:36 AM
Ohh... :think:

Well, as a person trying to lessen the number of shows I'm addicted to watching I cannot say I was happy for a final season but one more season and then it's more time for the real life, yay!

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Re: Leatherman on Agents of Shield!
Reply #6 on: October 30, 2020, 04:26:09 AM
  Interesting, but does anyone know WHICH make/model the multi tool #17 from AoS actually was? 

Offline Parovoz

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Re: Leatherman on Agents of Shield!
Reply #7 on: August 20, 2021, 05:53:33 PM
  Interesting, but does anyone know WHICH make/model the multi tool #17 from AoS actually was? 
Leatherman Wave



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