I am liking mine so far ... I grabbed it because I came from carrying a smallish pocketknife and wanted something light and small. It fits the bill pretty well. If the scissors or the file become unsatisfactory, I suppose I can get a grinder to an implement from another tool and make it work. Maybe. I would think the same thing could be done with a knife blade. That being said, maybe I am missing something here, the file does file things and the scissors do cut stuff. Why do people hate these?I might replace one of the knife blades with one of my jigsaw blades in this manner.I have a toler union (supposedly) on the way in a few weeks, but I kind of think it will be too heavy at somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-13 (EDIT: dang! 14.6 ounces). We'll see. I kind of like my powerpint!
Why do people do this to me?Now I'm looking at one. I think the size/weight could be just what I'm looking for.
Okay, here's what I spent a good FOUR HOURS on today! Maybe more, there's quite the learning curve on reassembly of this guy! I certainly have a NEWFOUND RESPECT for the engineering that goes into these things. The geometry really impresses me.Anyway, I replaced the serrated blade (and a few shims) with these BAD MOFOS!!!(Image removed from quote.)That's like, SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND TOOLS!... They don't lock and they don't sit perfectly straight when in use but they're functional. They cut stuff and everything, and that's totally a second scraper on the end of the metal saw! BADASS!At the risk of starting THAT conversation again, I am now sad that I no longer have a serrated blade. I still can't decide what I like better between the two blade types.
... I kind of politely thanked him while thinking it wasn't something I would really use. He caught on to that and convinced me to carry it around for a month. After said month I was surprised by how much use I got out of it, ...
What, no USB-C port? Good job.