Thanks everybody. I’m really happy to have my first fiber scale officer’s knife with the solid screwdriver. This week was insane I actually have a bunch of other cool stuff coming including a Saphir from Rothlisberger(the other Swiss Army knife maker) and a German one from probably about 1915.
Thank you for the video.
Saphir is not a Roethlisberger Brand - even if Mr. Roethlisberger thinks so :-) You should check the video:
So if Mr Dedelley was not a knife maker then who made the Saphir and Erinox knives?
The source for my info on the Saphir is the book “A Collectors Guide to Wenger Knives. Considering that Rothlisberger was making soldiers in 1956-57, and the name was registered in 1956 it seems to me that it’s completely possible that the knives were made by Rothlisberger and sold by Mr. Dedelley. Full disclosure I bought this knife from the author of the book. If it wasn’t made by Rothlisberger, that just makes it even more interesting to me.