I tend to give away a lot of my unused tools that aren't backups or collection items. Most end up stuck in a drawer, never used. A few weeks back, I gave a family friend my seldom-used backup Olight i1R2, as it had, largely, been replaced by the i1R2 PRO (since my phone is USB Type C, the charger tends to stay plugged in and ready and thus the right plug); and I saw today, he had it on his keys. Well, today I gave him my seldom-used V2 Wave, as I found I liked my V1 better, and I also have a Charge TTi, which I find to be a better tool. He said he was immediately adding it to his hunting gear.
I’ve found that I can buy good condition TSA seized or used tools, refurbish them and provide them to others. It’s a nice hobby and makes more people appreciate the idea of carrying these tools as EDC. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I like to give some children in the neighborhood(with parents permission) a flashlight and/or flashlight, depending on age.Giving the SAK to one boy (11) ended up being a funny story. The Mom wasn’t completely onboard because it was a knife, but didn’t object because Dad had said he could have it. I later saw the Mom who told me how her son was always looking for ways to use his SAK, especially the non-knife tools. She had completely changed her opinion of him having it because of how much he enjoyed using it to help with things.
Hello there. Sometimes I buy an odd job lot of LM Micras on fleabay and more often they are slightly damaged. I strip them and clean and reassemble so will lend up with 8 of 10 good ones for example. Some I sell and some of them I give to good sorts with one challenge , Use it for something everyday for at least 7 days and then leave it home for one day. Tell me then when you missed your new friend. works everytime - a new convert.