We landed after 3 am and there weren't a lot of choices. It was pricey, but the driver was very helpful.Due to travel I needed a new Swiss Army Knife- fortunately I was able to find this well used advertising version of the Econoline Spartan in a street market for way too much money! But, getting a Spartan in Athens seemed like a sign!https://sakwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page=Spartan@victorinoxnorthamerica @victorinoxitalia @victorinox @victorreinz_germany #victorinox #swissarmyknife #swissarmyknives #swissarmyknights #athens2023 #sakwiki #Spartan #greece #thisissparta
i going to be a bit of a quick update as we are getting ready to go out to eat and have a few drinks and visit some shops, but as per the post above we went to the Parthenon today and saw everything we were allowed to see on the Acropolis.smurfing amazing.Absolutely smurfing purely amazing.You see photos of this kind of smurf on TV or the internet or magazines (do those still exist?) and you think "that's nice."To see it... To actually be there first hand and think about all that marble hand cut and dragged up to the top, then assembled into such structures- if I had a mind, it would have been absolutely blown.Def
"And, if its one thing Athens has more of than marble, I'm putting my money on cats. They are everywhere, and likely the main reason I haven't seen a rat or mouse anywhere, despite this being a port city. I live in a port city and there is a HUGE rodent problem because our animal lovers would rather see cats dressed up in IG than see them doing what they are supposed to be doing."
I think Phil could lay those stones easily with a OG BO ST in the other hand
...and here's me thinking that Spartans were EXTREMELY unpopular in Athens. Hope you're both having a great time boss.
And olive trees at every corner! When they are ripe and fall off you've got a slippery problem.
And orange trees!Def
Welcome. How do you find our world famous winter weather?
A short explanation of our flag colours....
Thanks to a street hustler preying on tourists, the Spartan in Athens now has a lanyard!
Beware of Greeks bringing gifts they say, so I guess paying is better. Good you two have a nice time!
Have you had a chance to enjoy ouzo yet?
Whoa - That rock - Is it near Athens?