What's your favorite Grand Slam/diner breakfast combo? I like:1. Over easy eggs2. A meat (scrapple if available, otherwise, usually sausage)3. A dipping starch (preferably a biscuit)4. Fruit
Day 57(Image removed from quote.)
Add some good toast on home made bread and I'm with you 100 percent!
Day 58Black Friday beer special, how could I resist (Image removed from quote.)
Day 58More pics of the pliers of my new XBS. Used it yesterday and started to get some light wear on the color on the plier tips as to be expected. Should build a nice patina over time with use.
Day 31 + 24 = 55Found this in the closet, a promo item after acquiring 2 Knives for grandsons last holiday season. [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]
Day 58 of 60Used flathead to open utility pole, it has electric socket with timer (2hour at time) so car gets heated for morning. There is no lock its just turns with flathead. Today was -25 celsius (-13F) outside and tomorrow morning bit warmer but its allways nice to have warm car when going somewhere. (Image removed from quote.)Only Tools Matters
Day 57Spirit with the sourdough starter. Hopefully Spirit with bread tomorrow!
-25c! That's cold!
*Day 58*Gotten really sick over the weekend, so been laying on bed most of today. Here is Spirit unboxing a remote controlled 4wd FPV car. This thing is tiny and so much fun to drive in first person view.