Just wanted to give a quick shout-out and my
immense thanks to Farmer X, or "my mate Dan" as he's now known in our household...

Dan basically helped me source some Wengers that would have otherwise been very difficult to get hands on, due to questionable corporate policies of certain retailers.
He didn't "just" help with that, though - He advised me on models, shared his knowledge and experiences of different sellers, guided me through some difficult decisions, and even helped sort the situation out when one particular individual was less than honest about their wares.
If that weren't enough, he also sent me an old model Executive, which has joined the party over in my MacGyver sub-collection.
But best of all, we've spent hours and hours nattering away about all sorts and becoming good friends.

I've only been on MTo a short while, but have been on the internet for decades and seen a lot of toxic forums - It's people like Dan that make MTo such an amazing place!
Dude - Thank-you!!!!!