I have to add that, some people think the back spring is too strong for one hand opening. Not at all, once the hole edges are crisper and don't slip.
Ok, you solved that one. How about OneHandClosing? Can you manage that, with your right hand?
No sir. That’s annoying, but I can live with it. Being able to open with one good hand is more important to me in an emergency than closing. But yeah, I’d rather it was easy right handed.
It took a little practice, but I can close it one handed with my right hand. The key is to hold the knife like you would while using it and move the lock over with your index finger instead of flipping it over and trying to use your thumb. Certainly not as intuitive as a normal liner lock, but it seems pretty natural to me at this point.
Doing it like that, you need to press the back of the blade with something to have it fold close, right? What do you use? Thumb? I turn the blade up, use the thumb to push the lock and the index finger to close the blade enough to pass the lock. I then use both the index and thumb in the blade hole and press them towards the palm of the hand until it closes.
Works quite well. Thanks. Just need to practice to make it safer.
Exactly, I use my thumb to start the blade closed, and then typically finish closing by putting the back of the blade against my pant leg. I’ve attached a pic of my grip when closing.
Uhm... you're not going to post that picture without showing off that nice plain edge, wood scaled 111mm without a backstory and more pictures .... are you?
Ha, you got me It’s a scale mod to a sentinel I just made:https://forum.multitool.org/index.php/topic,85284.0.html