Thanks Vicman, happy to not be alone in this! 1. FolderBeholder2. VICMAN
I love your challenges Lisa! Unfortunately I have one going on in the Gerber forum for Center Drives.
I'll be on the Safari challenge, but this is a clever idea. Excited to see the Leap get some love.
Just a THOUGHT!Since this is not likely to result in a badge, there is not reason a member CANNOT contribute to this thread and be PART of another CHALLENGE. JUST SAYING, there is no EXCUSE if you own a LEAP,!you can contribute, even if it means you borrow your kids tool for a few weeks🤪.
Alright. I’m in. I guess I can handle 5 challenges every 4 years. PST every November, and Leap on leap years.
For anyone not in the challenge I have come up with a way for you to participate for a prize on February 7th! Your challenge is to create a Leap, out of paper or whatever, even if it is printed and cut out and post it in the thread on Feb 7th. The people in the regular 29 day challenge can participate as well as long as they create a Leap as outlined above.The prize for the winning entry will be a $50 gift card to Amazon, or whatever place you shop. This is open to international members as well.
I'm ready to take the Leap!