This is my second 58mm Spydernox Mini Champ build. This time decided to make my own brass scales from scratch and also wanted the toothpick and tweezer slots. Took a lot of work with the dremel, files, grinder, sandpaper, etc. I like the look of the "brushed" brass, so I may not go full polish. Got some 1.5mm brass rods ready and peened one end.
Next, the blade. Most of what I've seen people do, is use a Honeybee blade, but they are made in China and I didn't want a chinese blade. I took a blade from a Spyderco Ladybug which is made in Japan. Peened in some brass rod into the pivot hole and drilled a new 1/16" pivot hole. Lined up a Vic 58mm blade with the Spyderco blade and use a sharpie to mark what needed to be ground away. Grinded it to the shape I wanted, hit the edges with some sand paper, then shaped the edge on a belt sander. Got it sharpened up and then put it all together. Not 100% satisfied with the edge on the blade, it's sharp, but not a good angle on the edge. Going to put some more work into the edge. Also took the ruler and made it into a wood saw, actually works really well for it's size. And for the regular Vic blade, I serrated it. Also, ditched the orange peeler blade and the cuticle pusher.