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Warranty Repair Issue

00 Offline Judith

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Warranty Repair Issue
on: March 10, 2024, 12:34:22 AM
So recently I sent in my PST that I got back in 1998. The knife had broke off years ago. On the warranty form I checked on the sentimental option as I got it from my father. I figured putting a new blade should be a straightforward process.
Well today I received it back and it’s super nice, all the tools look new then I checked on the handle for the date. My original one I sent in had a 10/97 stamp on only one of the handles. The one I received is stamped 11/94  on one and 07/95 on the other so it’s obviously a different tool.  Little bummed as since I checked on the sentimental option I figured at worst they wouldn’t repair it and send me back my original. Just curious if this has happened to anyone else?

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us Online SteveC

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Re: Warranty Repair Issue
Reply #1 on: March 10, 2024, 12:53:51 AM
That's too bad, I would be bummed if that happened. Unfortunately there's not much you can do about it now  :facepalm:

Usually only happens when people forget to check the sentimental box. I suppose it's possibly that it was an honest mistake and two PST's got mixed up in the warranty dept.

Sorry that happened  :(

us Offline LoopCutter

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Re: Warranty Repair Issue
Reply #2 on: March 10, 2024, 01:52:38 AM
I do not doubt that your tool was not repaired and returned.  It is very possible that it could not be repaired with just a blade.

You indicated that you had only a date code in one handle.

It has been documented that LM begin dating the builds in Nov 1992, using code 1192, and only marking the blade handle. There was no date code in the file handle.  Then LM began making the File Handle in March 1993, 0393. 

Plier heads had changed, blade styles as well, and possible other implements modified including handles till end of production.

Any combination of factors could have been a reason for the puzzle being able to repaired.

It is neat they handle the warranty, as I understand it is a 25 year duration. Your tool would have fallen out of coverage in fall of 2022.

Some here have reported on newer tools no longer in production, that parts or replacements are not available, they receive credit or coupon toward another new tool.

If I start and end the day above ground, it is a good day!

Hope yours is as good!

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   A WISE man knows whether or not to say it!!!

00 Offline Judith

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Re: Warranty Repair Issue
Reply #3 on: March 10, 2024, 02:50:11 AM
I do not doubt that your tool was not repaired and returned.  It is very possible that it could not be repaired with just a blade.

You indicated that you had only a date code in one handle.

It has been documented that LM begin dating the builds in Nov 1992, using code 1192, and only marking the blade handle. There was no date code in the file handle.  Then LM began making the File Handle in March 1993, 0393. 

Plier heads had changed, blade styles as well, and possible other implements modified including handles till end of production.

Any combination of factors could have been a reason for the puzzle being able to repaired.

It is neat they handle the warranty, as I understand it is a 25 year duration. Your tool would have fallen out of coverage in fall of 2022.

Some here have reported on newer tools no longer in production, that parts or replacements are not available, they receive credit or coupon toward another new tool.

I agree it is neat that LM does stand behind their product and do these kinds of warranty work. While I was initially curious if they would even do the repair I did mark it as sentimental so still bummed I didn't get it back- repaired or not. Curious how the 25 year warranty works though? I know if you sign up on their website for the "Insider" or whatever they call it, it extends the warranty to 40 years, not sure if this is for new purchases or retroactively covers your older tools as well?
As fas as the dates on my old tool I could only ever locate the date on the knife side. Maybe it was on the file side( I looked & looked and could never locate one) but I have seen others that could not locate a second date as well, even on tools produced after 93.
I appreciate your feedback,  I always love learning tidbits about LM and how they operate

us Offline Poncho65

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Re: Warranty Repair Issue
Reply #4 on: March 10, 2024, 02:59:33 AM
That's too bad, I would be bummed if that happened. Unfortunately there's not much you can do about it now  :facepalm:

Usually only happens when people forget to check the sentimental box. I suppose it's possibly that it was an honest mistake and two PST's got mixed up in the warranty dept.

Sorry that happened  :(

 :iagree: :oops: At least you got a PST back  :dunno: still I do know that if it was sentimental that really still doesn't help :facepalm:

Offline cdcengineer

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Re: Warranty Repair Issue
Reply #5 on: March 12, 2024, 02:32:25 AM
I'd key LM know. It's possible another person got yours and you telling them night help them put things right

us Online FolderBeholder

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Re: Warranty Repair Issue
Reply #6 on: March 12, 2024, 07:31:26 AM
Judith, I feel for ya.  I would be gutted for sure. 
As mentioned, it might be worth a call to the repair department.
I would have to then come up with something to allow myself to be right with the situation.
If it were me, and I had to keep that one that you received out of warranty, I would say to myself, that my dad would want me to have a working PST and the one you now have is a beauty and fully functional again.
I wonder if perhaps it has some of the parts from your sentimental one in the handles?  :dunno:
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us Offline Murphy Slaw

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Re: Warranty Repair Issue
Reply #7 on: March 12, 2024, 01:37:10 PM
I would never ship anything that was truly sentimental.



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